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vol.14 issue02Infancia, pasado y nostalgia: cambios en la transmisión intergeneracional author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Brasileira de História da Educação

On-line version ISSN 2238-0094


LESKO, Nancy; MCCALL, Stephanie D.  and  WARDE, Mirian Jorge. Cérebros cor-de-rosa e educação: uma análise pós-feminista da neurociência e do neurossexismo.Translated byLuiz Ramires Neto. Rev. Bras. Hist. Educ [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.02, pp.163-189. ISSN 2238-0094.

This article examines the representations of girls and gender that operate within the popular ideas of ‘pink brains’ and ‘blue brains’. As brain research moves into education and teacher training, what are the implications for curriculum, pedagogy, and school organization? We noticed that findings from neuroscience confirm familiar images of girls: as early maturing, emotional, needing to feel accepted by teachers, and as needing abstract ideas connected to real life. Writers utilizing the evidence of brain research are quick to call brains ‘hard-wired’ and equally quick to call for sex-segregated classrooms. In interpreting neuroscience in critical ways, the social contexts and political implications of imaging young women as hard-wired brains are highlighted.

Keywords : Girls’ Brains; Education; Critical Neuroscience; Neurosexism; Post Feminism.

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