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Leitura: Teoria e Prática

Print version ISSN 0102-387XOn-line version ISSN 2317-0972


TOMASI, Áurea Regina Guimarães; BARROS, Lúcio Alves  and  SILVA, Sara Clementina. Reading practices and their production conditions: the biographical path of pedagogy students. LTP [online]. 2016, vol.34, n.68, pp.29-43. ISSN 2317-0972.

The following text is part of a research project aimed at knowing the reading habits of pedagogy undergraduate students. It started with the assumption that the abilities and familiarity of students with these reading practices is critical in their training as teachers, so that in the near future these students should be able to prepare readers in their professional practices as pedagogues. Based mostly on the sociology of reading, this research sought to know the conditions of production of the reading practices of students throughout their biographical path, from their very first contacts with reading at home with their families, going through elementary school until their university course in pedagogy. We have opted for a qualitative methodology, interviewing students from three different institutions of higher education. We have found that interviewees highly consider the changes that reading practices brought to their lives and to their professional training.

Keywords : Reading Practices; Teacher Training; Reading Habits.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )