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Print version ISSN 1414-5138On-line version ISSN 2318-1982


PESSANHA, Eurize Caldas  and  BRITO, Silvia Helena Andrade de. Middle School or Middle Education? Controversies and singularities in writing its history. Sér.-Estud. [online]. 2014, n.38, pp.237-250. ISSN 2318-1982.

In Brazilian historiography the expressions: secondary education, secondary school and middle school are often synonymous. This article discusses the different senses and how they formed the category "Ensino Secundário" in the historical period since its organization in a systematic way, first half of the nineteenth century and its consolidation in the twentieth century. In each historical moment we identified different denominations of secondary education and the main characteristics associated with them. We analyze the different forms of description found in Brazilian law, in that period, and in the studies and reports produced within the federal government in the same period. It was concluded that the definition of the identity of secondary education opens questions about the character of intermediate level, its unfolding in stages and the equivalence with other modalities.

Keywords : Middle School; Middle Education; History of Middle School.

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