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Educação Matemática Debate

On-line version ISSN 2526-6136


BOTELHO, Lutieli Rodrigues  and  MORAES, João Carlos Pereira de. Challenges of a professional master's student in Mathematics Education: what my experience allows me to say. Ed. Mat. Deb. [online]. 2023, vol.7, n.13, e1a.  Epub Jan 01, 2023. ISSN 2526-6136.

Since its creation, the professional master's degree has allowed master's students to reflect on pedagogical practice in Mathematics. In this context, this article aims to analyze the challenges of a master's student of a professional program in composing her field intervention and the resonances of this for her professionalism. To this end, the methodology is supported by a narrative perspective, in which the significant points of the master's field process are described. As a result, it can be seen that the moment of planning and the moment of application are fundamental and striking in the constitution of professionalism in a context of professional master's, allowing significant spaces for reflection and production of the identity of a researcher in his own practice. With the study, the need for professional master's degrees to trigger discussions on the training of student-teachers who attend their courses is concluded.

Keywords : Professional Master's; Experience; Challenges..

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