Estudos em Avaliação Educacional
Print version ISSN 0103-6831
REIS, Thaize de Souza; SOUZA, Deisy das Graças de and ROSE, Júlio César de. Avaliação de um programa para o ensino de leitura e escrita. Est. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2009, vol.20, n.44, pp.425-452. ISSN 0103-6831.
This study is based on a software designed under the conceptual framework of stimulus equivalence; it is a computerized program for one-on-one teaching of reading and writing focuses on conditional relations between printed words, dictated words and pictures. Additional teaching trials include matching printed syllables to dictated syllables. The assessment of the program in laboratory settings has shown that it is very effective in promoting the emergence of reading and dictation-taking skills. The present study is part of a broader research on the feasibility and efficacy of the teaching program; its specific goal was to evaluate its efficacy when implemented in school settings by the school's staff. Sixty-four students participated. They were not able to learn how to read and write in the classroom and a pre-test evaluation showed hat they did not read single words. The study used a group design. The Experimental Group (N=38) was exposed to the program (a sequence of 17 teaching units interspersed with 15 assessment units). The Control Group (N=26) was exposed to a similar program, except that the task just required matching pictures to dictated words and naming the pictures. Reading and writing scores on the post-test were accurate and significantly higher for the Experimental Group. These results replicate and extend the findings of previous studies in laboratory settings, thus recommending the teaching program as a remedial tool that could be useful in supplementing the school efforts to teach students who fail under conventional procedures.
Keywords : Reading; Writing; Teaching Program; Stimulus Equivalence.