Estudos em Avaliação Educacional
Print version ISSN 0103-6831
MARCELINO, Leonardo Victor and RECENA, Maria Celina Piazza. Possíveis influências do novo Enem nos currículos educacionais de química. Est. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2012, vol.23, n.53, pp.148-177. ISSN 0103-6831.
The National Examination of Secondary Education - Enem was established in 1998 and redesigned in 2009 to meet new goals, among which are the restructuring of the school syllabuses. Based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, we analyzed the educational goals relating to chemistry or science as described in Enem 2009’s Skills and Competencies of the Reference Matrix for Natural Sciences and Technologies, currently in force. The dimensions of the Knowledge and Cognitive Process were analyzed and classified in breadth and depth in the Taxonomic Table and have shown that the emphasis of the Competencies goals is to Understand and Apply Procedural knowledge, while those of Skills are to Understand and Remember information. We conclude that little can change in traditional teaching, contributing to shaping an individual who accepts reality, is unable to actively think about it or propose ways to change it.
Keywords : Taxonomy; Bloom, Benjamin; Curriculum; Enem.