Estudos em Avaliação Educacional
Print version ISSN 0103-6831
MORO, Catarina and SOUZA, Gizele de. Produção acadêmica brasileira sobre avaliação em educação infantil: primeiras aproximações. Est. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2014, vol.25, n.58, pp.100-125. ISSN 0103-6831.
This study attempts to contribute to the debate about evaluation policy in early childhood education in Brazil, from the latest modifications in federal legislation and standardization thereto. It takes into account the controversies around the current practices of evaluation in the first stage of basic education. The purpose of the study is to outline and examine Brazilian academic production, dedicated to this end, during the period from 1997 to 2012. The empirical corpus of the study includes the theses and dissertations registered in the Capes database of theses and also periodical articles included in the SciELO platform, from the Capes periodical portal and the Educ@ portal.
Keywords : Evaluation; Early Childhood Education; Systematization of Knowledge; Public Policies in Education.