Estudos em Avaliação Educacional
Print version ISSN 0103-6831On-line version ISSN 1984-932X
LACERDA, Leo Lynce Valle de and FERRI, Cássia. Preliminary course concept: unique concept for a multiple educational reality. Est. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2017, vol.28, n.69, pp.748-772. Epub Dec 01, 2017. ISSN 1984-932X.
This article investigated the National Evaluation System for Higher Education and its primary regulation indicator, the Preliminary Course Concept. A three-year cycle of the Exame Nacional dos Estudantes (Enade), encompassing 55 areas of undergraduate education, was used. The relationship between the inputs and the graduates’ grades was analyzed using multiple linear regression, retaining those grades which presented semi-partial correlations, significant at 5%. The results showed a lack of relationship in 11 of the 55 areas. In the others, the inputs with higher frequency of correlations were the grades for infrastructure and doctors. The correlation frequency was higher for universities, demonstrating that the indicator is more appropriate for these. The results demonstrate that the indicator does not show a relationship between input and output independent of the areas and institutions. Therefore, it cannot be used as an indicator of quality without a qualitative assessment of the context of the institution and the course.
Keywords : Higher Education; Sinaes; Enade; Preliminary Concept of Course.