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Educação & Formação

On-line version ISSN 2448-3583

Educ. Form. vol.8  Fortaleza  2023  Epub Apr 06, 2024 


A review of Brazilian scientific production on teaching work (2008-2023)

Valdegil Daniel de Assis

PhD student at the Postgraduate Program in Education at UFPB. Master in Education, degree in Science with specialization in Chemistry and specialist in Psychopedagogy at UFPB. President of the Union of Education Workers of João Pessoa.

, Conceptualization, investigation and writing the first draft.2; lattes: 1086060047012432

Vanusa Nascimento Sabino Neves

PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Education at UFPB. Master in Management of Students, licensed and graduated in Nursing at UFPB. Graduated in Law. Nurse at Lauro Wanderley University Hospital (HULW/UFPB).

, Writing, conceptualization, methodology, investigation, data curation and formal analysis.2; lattes: 9207875628192963

Wilson Honorato Aragão

Professor at UFPB. PhD in Education at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Researcher at the Núcleo de Estudos Projetos e Pesquisas sobre Formação Docente (Nepesf). Leader of the Exclusion, Inclusion, and Diversity research group.

, Supervision and critical review.3; lattes: 4673228883610996

4Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brasil

5Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brasil

6Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brasil


The aim was to understand the main scientific discussions prompted by Brazilian research on teaching work. A bibliometric study was conducted using the VOSviewer® software. The corpus consists of 286 records extracted from the Web of Science, published from 2008 to 2023. The most representative keywords guided the identification of six thematic axes: adverse working conditions affecting teachers' health; Digital Information and Communication Technologies in teaching work; singularities in teaching work; teaching work and educational policies; precariousness of teaching work; and teaching work in early childhood education. The research findings point to the precariousness of teaching work in Brazil, which is longstanding but was accentuated by the Covid-19 pandemic and political ineffectiveness. Strategies are underway to mitigate this situation, including encouraging the initial and ongoing training of teachers. To overcome the historical contradictions affecting education and teachers, it is essential that this debate be ongoing.

Keywords teaching word; public education policies; initial training; health conditions.


Objetivou-se compreender as principais discussões científicas suscitadas nas pesquisas brasileiras sobre o trabalho docente. Realizou-se um estudo bibliométrico utilizando o software VOSviewer®. O corpus constitui-se por 286 registros extraídos da Web of Science, publicados de 2008 a 2023. As palavras-chave mais representativas nortearam a identificação de seis eixos temáticos: condições de trabalho adversas à saúde dos professores; Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação no trabalho docente; singularidades no trabalho docente; trabalho docente e políticas educacionais; precarização do trabalho docente; e trabalho docente na educação infantil. Os achados da pesquisa apontam para a precarização do trabalho docente no Brasil, que é antiga, mas foi acentuada com a pandemia da Covid-19 e a inefetividade política. Estratégias estão em curso com o escopo de mitigar essa situação, incluindo estímulo à formação inicial e continuada dos professores. Para superar as contradições históricas que afligem a educação e os professores, é fundamental que esse debate seja perene.

Palavras-chave trabalho docente; políticas públicas em educação; formação inicial; condições de saúde.


Se objetivó comprender las principales discusiones científicas suscitadas en las investigaciones brasileñas sobre el trabajo docente. Se realizó un estudio bibliométrico mediante el software VOSviewer®. El corpus consta de 286 registros extraídos de la Web of Science, publicados entre 2008 y 2023. Las palabras clave más representativas guiaron la identificación de seis ejes temáticos: condiciones de trabajo adversas a la salud de los docentes; Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones Digitales en la labor docente; singularidades en el trabajo docente; trabajo docente y políticas educativas; precariedad del trabajo docente; y labor docente en educación infantil. Los resultados de la investigación señalan la precariedad del trabajo docente en Brasil, que es antigua, pero se vio acentuada por la pandemia de Covid-19 y la ineficacia política. Se están elaborando estrategias para mitigar esta situación, incluido el fomento de la formación inicial y continua de los docentes. Para superar las contradicciones históricas que aquejan a la educación y a los docentes, es esencial que este debate sea continuo.

Palabras clave trabajo docente; políticas públicas en educación; entrenamiento inicial; condiciones saludables.

1 Introduction

Despite the importance of teaching for emancipatory education, in Brazil, historically, this area is marked by several challenges. Gatti (2017) confirms that student learning is built on the work of teachers, which, in turn, is closely connected to teacher training. However, Brazilian education has always faced obstacles in teachers' work and training standards, which do not sufficiently train them to meet new pedagogical demands.

Teacher professionalization is one of the essential measures for achieving quality education. However, several contradictions prevent the implementation of this vital political movement for the efficiency of teachers and educational institutions. Inadequacy of public schools, commercialization of education, and privatization are just some of the inconsistencies (Tardif, 2013). The setbacks are not limited to teachers but affect students, as is the case with vulnerabilities in access to Digital Information Technologies (DIT) and other teaching resources, as well as failure to assist students with particular education needs and inclusive education.

Although emergency remote teaching (ERT) has proven to be a viable strategy to minimize the damage caused by the halt of in-person classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital exclusion of students and teachers has become even more evident (Neves; Fialho; Machado, 2021; Neves; Valdegil; Sabino, 2021). Throughout the educational system, the dilemmas of teaching work have intensified with multidirectional consequences, such as the physical, mental, and emotional illness of teachers related to the reformulation and increase in work demands (Fialho; Neves, 2022).

Regarding teachers, the precariousness isn't homogeneous, substitute teachers, due to job instability and low salaries, experience more degrading conditions (Silva; Maia Filho; Rabelo, 2020). As for students, on a harmful scale, students with a disability, such as intellectual disability, were more impacted (Mendonça; Viana; Nascimento, 2023).

From this perspective, the question that arises is: what are the most resounding themes in Brazilian studies on teaching work? In search of answers, a bibliometric study was carried out with the main objective of understanding the central discussions in the Brazilian scientific research about teaching work.

Research on teaching work attracts the attention of scientists interested in understanding the various dimensions of the educational phenomenon, such as those relating to initial and continued training and teachers' professionalization (Fialho; Sousa; Nascimento, 2020). Usually, studies in this area collect a significant number of citations (Nascimento, 2020), which indicates its relevance for the scientific community, since it is a subject that is not limited to specific discussions but requires in-depth reflections on permanent monitoring of the outlines present in teaching.

Furthermore, advances and setbacks in education are an integral part of the struggles for those committed to quality education (Ferreira; Aragão; Andrade, 2019). Considerations like these are essential, given that teaching work involves a series of elements that must be at the center of academic, scientific, and social debate (Araújo; Rodrigues; Aragão, 2017) promoted by intellectuals and teachers in a battle together with their organizations, like unions (Assis et al., 2022).

Within the scope of this work, therefore, the findings of the bibliometric survey are presented and discussed beyond the quantitative aspects. We argue, in confluence with current literature, about the variants that historically influence teaching work in Brazil, highlighting the low social effectiveness of certain educational policies, especially in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The text is organized into five segments. The introduction contextualizes the theme and specifies the problem, objective, and relevance of the study. The methodology details the research path in compliance with the bibliometric method. Discussions and results synthesize the evidence and analyze it. The final considerations return to the research problem and the main results, expose the authorial inferences and research limitations, in addition to suggesting future studies.

2 Methodology

This study is exploratory-descriptive and based on the bibliometric method, which used the VOSviewer®, version 1.6.18, to establish keyword co-occurrence maps according to the annual average of publications and thematic similarities.

VOSviewer® is a tool for publications networks, researchers, countries, keywords, and research institutions, which allows visualization and interpretation (van Eck; Waltman, 2022). Bibliometric research, through quantitative evaluative techniques, reveals the state of the art of certain fields of knowledge and issues bibliographic reports on the progress of scientific production (Vianna; Pinto, 2017).

Exploratory studies allow greater familiarity with the research problem, clarifying it. Descriptive ones, as the name suggests, describe the characteristics of the phenomenon in question and establish the association between its variables. In this way, researchers focusing on practical action usually develop studies that are simultaneously exploratory and descriptive. (Gil, 2008).

The investigation followed the following steps: a) defining the research topic; b) choosing of database to obtain data; c) designation of the searched term and requirements; d) demarcation of eligibility criteria; e) exporting the file containing the metadata to the bibliometric program; f) submission of the records to VOSviewer®; g) full reading of the referenced texts; and h) interpretation and presentation of results.

The records were extracted from the main Web of Science (WoS) collection on September 8, 2023, using the term “teaching work” applied to the field topic, which corresponds to titles, abstracts, and keywords. The predilection for WoS was based on the quality and scope of the scientific production that it disseminates worldwide.

The inclusion criteria were articles published from 2008 until September 8, 2023; and at least one author affiliated with a Brazilian institution, even if co-authored with other countries. Documents other than articles or those that none of the authors were connected to Brazil were excluded. This step was optimized with the refinements: “countries/regions: Brazil” and “document type: article, conference article and review article”.

A file with a personalized selection of all metadata available in WoS was exported and processed in VOSviewer®, available at: 1.

The most recurrent keywords, grouped in clusters due to thematic proximity, contributed to identifying the main thematic axes that permeate the production examined, whose synthesis of evidence appears in the next section.

3 Results and discussion

Initially, the search yielded 921 records, but, as the investigative interest was only in articles by Brazilian authors, the filters described in the methodology were applied, which resulted in 286 documents: articles (n=278), conference articles (n=4), and review article (n=4).

Five countries established co-authorship with Brazil: Canada (one article), Switzerland (one article), Portugal (two articles), United States (two articles) and Chile (two articles).

The Brazilian-Canadian study highlighted how the academic agenda affects professors in a Brazilian postgraduate program at a federal university, in which women were the most affected. The follow-up with students decreased and there was a low production of research and publications, in addition to burnout (Borsoi; Pereira, 2013). Bandeira and Marques (2023), in a partnership between Brazil and the United States, focused on participatory planning as a form of more effective and collaborative practice to solve problems that affect professors.

The recent transformations in teaching work due to the massive use of DIT attracted the attention of Zani, Bueno, and Dolz (2020), who, linked to Brazilian and Swiss institutions, realized that it was urgent to train teachers to mitigate the precariousness of labor relations, such as the uberization. Neves, Fialho, and Machado (2021) explain that uberization is a phenomenon analogous to how the private transport app Uber operates, in which teachers are compelled to buy their work tools without due compensation, which results in the expropriation of their resources.

Regarding the temporal distribution of production, the oldest article was published in 2008 (n=1), followed by a variable production of one to four texts until 2017 (n=4), with gaps in 2014 and 2016. As of 2018 (n=44), production remained high and without breaks, but there was a small decrease in 2019 (n=40). See Graph 1 below:

Source: Authors’ elaboration based on research data (2023).

Graph 1 Annual number of Brazilian articles about teaching work at WoS 

The temporality of the production examined shows that the configurations that permeate teaching work in Brazil have long attracted investigative interest. The oldest work, by Monteiro and Bueno (2008), sought to understand the knowledge and practices of literacy teachers in the decades from 1950 to 1980, in which the dedication of teachers was fundamental to the results of the literacy process.

Regardless of the productivity seen in Graph 1 reflecting only the WoS base scenario, it is suggested that the greater expressiveness of publications, starting from 2018, comes from the greater number of Brazilian periodicals that became part of the WoS, the thematic dossiers and the growing interest of scientists from different fields of knowledge within teaching work.

Incidentally, interest in teaching work is shared by 11 categories registered in WoS. The highest figures are for “Education Educational Research” (n=180), “Humanities Multidisciplinary” (n=35), “Social Sciences Interdisciplinary” (n=15), “Language Linguistic” (n=12), and “Public Environmental Occupational Health” (n=12).

The keywords assigned in the articles represent the main theme of the studies. Larger clusters have more keywords and those that are closer to each other have greater similarity in content (van Eck; Waltman, 2022). Then, the VOSviewer® program built the network with recurring keywords at least three times. Of the total of 655 keywords, 40 were presented in the “network visualization” format, which highlights each cluster through different colors according to the thematic familiarity between the articles, as shown in Figure 1.

Source: Research data prepared by the software (2023).

Figure 1 Keyword in the network visualization format 

The program interface, through the network in the “overlay visualization” format, also informed the average time frame in which the articles were published. Table 1 presents a compilation of the VOSviewer® formulations. In it, the keywords were organized in the order in which they appeared in the clusters, with their occurrences, total connection strength, and annual average of publications.

Table 1 Keyword clusters, occurrences, total connection strength, and annual average of publications 

Clusters N Keyword Occurrences Total strength of the connections Annual average
1 Faculty 17 29 2017,35
2 Nursing 8 18 2018,75
3 Occupational health 6 11 2020,17
4 Public policy 3 3 2021,67
5 Quality of life 3 9 2020,00
6 Teachers 20 33 2019,90
7 Work conditions 12 21 2019,00
8 Worker’s health 4 8 2020,50
1 Basic education 5 6 2021.20
2 Education 26 37 2019,46
3 Education technology 3 2 2020,33
4 Experience 3 4 2019,33
5 Remote teaching 11 16 2020,73
6 Teaching education 36 30 2020,06
7 Teaching 27 26 2019,85
Dark blue
1 Covid-19 20 30 2021,50
2 Gender 6 5 2020,00
3 High school 3 4 2020,00
4 Inclusive education 7 4 2020,29
5 Learning 3 3 2021,00
6 Physical education 13 18 2015,85
7 Youth and adult education 3 5 2021,00
Light blue
1 Curriculum 8 13 2018,38
2 Education policies 16 15 2020,12
3 Historical-critical pedagogy 4 5 2020,00
4 Public school 3 3 2021,33
5 Rural education 10 8 2020,30
6 Teaching work 77 73 2020,21
7 Training 4 2 2021,50
1 Higher education 6 8 2019,50
2 Mental health 6 14 2020,17
3 Precarious work 9 10 2020,89
4 School 5 7 2020,00
5 University 5 10 2020,00
6 Work 6 14 2020,67
1 Child education 10 14 2020,70
2 Continuing education 9 12 2019,78
3 Health 3 4 2017,33
4 Historical-cultura theory 4 4 2022,00
5 Language 3 4 2020,33

Source: Elaboration by the authors based on data processed by VOSviewer® (2023).

Each connection is a link between two items. Each link has a specific strength and those with greater strength indicate a greater number of publications in which two keywords are associated. The total strength of the connection marks the number of links the keyword has with other terms in the network. Thus, the occurrence is the count of these words in all analyzed articles (van Eck; Waltman, 2022).

The 40 keywords that met the eligibility parameters formed six clusters. Authorial meditation on these groups and reading of the articles inspired the identification and interpretation of the main thematic axes in the 286 articles analyzed, as summarized and discussed below.

3.1 Evidence synthesis

Cluster 1, with an average of publications between 2017 and 2021, indicated the thematic axis “working conditions adverse to teachers’ health”. D’Oliveira et al (2021) identified that, due to the neoliberal legacy and the impositions for greater productivity, nursing professors take on various roles without a due salary increase, in addition to suffering damage to their own health. With these factors in mind, Rodrigues et al (2020) agree that, although the increase and lengthening of the working day constitutes an old problem already exposed by Marx; new configurations increase the consequences for teachers’ physical and mental health.

The studies present suggestions for strategies for promoting occupational health. Goebel and Carlotto (2019) advise appropriate student/teacher scaling; granting greater autonomy to teachers to determine their activities according to the specificities of their students; the promotion of a healthy working environment; and ongoing training for the management of DIT.

Education has a privileged place in the Federal Constitution of Brazil. There are several laws and administrative decrees in force, but the gap between what is written and what is implemented is tangible. For this reason, a more effective performance of public policies throughout the educational system is postulated. As proof, Alves and Côco (2020) warn that, in early childhood education throughout Brazil, teaching work is impacted by the goals of mercantilization, privatization, and expansion. Therefore, educational policies need to reverse the current weakening and move towards the quality outlined in legal texts.

Cluster 2, with articles published on average between 2019 to 2021, expressed the thematic axis “DIT in teaching work”. The report by Magalhães, Silva, and Paula (2021) about teaching in public universities during the Covid-19 pandemic, documented the damage to the educational process, such as students' unequal access, changes in working hours and changes in evaluation processes, which required an immediate reformulation of the pedagogical work.

Many teachers from public and private educational institutions were not familiar with DIT applied to the educational field and were suddenly assigned to the ERT (Bortolon; Nauroski, 2022; Fialho; Neves, 2022). According to Nunes, Raic and Souza (2021), not even previous experience with distance education was able to prepare teachers for the new challenges. Castro, Rodrigues, and Ustra (2020) elucidated that, despite the private educational system offering more favorable material conditions than the public, at the beginning of the pandemic there was an insufficiency of technological resources, a worsening of work conditions and a deficiency in knowledge teachers for the effective management of DIT.

Despite the difficulties highlighted in teaching through DIT, the studies surveyed revealed positive developments. For Magalhães, Silva, and Paula (2021), students and teachers, together, were more engaged with interdisciplinary practices to overcome the inconsistencies in teaching and learning, but it is not enough to only include teachers in training for educational practices mediated by DIT, since students lack material resources and curricula compatible with the incorporation of these technologies (Nunes; Raic; Souza, 2021).

Furthermore, the expansion of DIT and innovations in the world of work impose new pedagogical practices and new forms of communication, in which educational know-how does not deviate from methodologies that encourage student protagonism and overcome merely technical technological use (Prados; Lamas, 2022). It is crucial, therefore, that DIT supports teaching work and does not obscure the creative criticality of students.

Cluster 3, with articles published on average between 2015 and 2021, designated the thematic axis “singularities in teaching work" covered different nuances, which, over time, permeate the varied dimensions of teaching work, such as inclusive education, gender issues and the Covid-19 pandemic, which encourage teachers to review their practices in compliance with functional purposes.

In this cluster, the most frequent term was “Covid-19”, confirming the deleterious echoes, without historical precedent, projected by the pandemic on education. In the state of São Paulo, Venturelli (2021) found a devaluation of teachers' work and a degradation of their health conditions, including exhaustion related to online work. These harms, since the first year of the pandemic, have occurred throughout Brazil (Fialho; Neves, 2022; Neves; Valdegil; Sabino, 2021; Silva; Maia Filho; Rabelo, 2020).

Aside from the Covid-19 problem, at a Brazilian federal university, 60% of female professors presented scores compatible with harassment and institutional violence. Among men, this percentage was 48.7%, which suggests the need to take measures to prevent these affronts to the dignity of teachers (Figueiredo; Silva; Santana, 2020).

In the Municipal Network of Curitiba, state of Paraná, Faria, and Camargo (2021), when studying teachers' emotions about inclusive education, identified joy and satisfaction but also came across negative feelings, such as frustration, insecurity, and pity. The authors agree that it is essential to provide teachers with conditions to fully assist students with disabilities because emotions influence the educational process. Therefore, they should not be neglected.

In youth and adult education, Trentin (2022) noticed teaching practices that were incompatible with current regulations, in which subjects were divided up and classes were identical for all students, disregarding students' individualities, which made learning difficult.

In the corrective proposals, the case study by Silva and Moreira (2021), with Physical Education teachers, presented the Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (Pibid) as a way of encouraging the acquisition of teaching knowledge and a critical stance concerning pedagogical practices. Trentin (2022) added that reflections on how teaching can (re)construct knowledge compatible with students' demands.

Cluster 4, with articles published on average between 2018 and 2021, highlighted the thematic axis “teaching work and educational policies”, with articles that questioned the effects of educational policies on the work and training of teachers, as well as on the students learning.

The analysis of the circumstances surrounding teaching work in different states in Brazil certifies that educational policies lack greater social effectiveness. Raimann and Farias (2020), when examining the Municipal Education Plan of a municipality in Goiás, realized that the priority was large-scale evaluation, however, work improvements for teachers in that network were neglected.

The work of Pereira and Previtali (2018) showed the persistence of the capitalist crisis that violates the rights of university professors in Minas Gerais. In the state of Ceará, Olímpio (2022) identified gaps in the training of Geography teachers. Still, in Basic Education, specifically Geography, curricular integrality is not prioritized, theory is segmented from practice, and arrangements are created under the capitalist mode of production.

The essay by Rocha and Hypolito (2021) reflected on the social role of the teacher, which is discredited due to neoliberalism, leading to ambivalence amid the hegemonic disputes that affect public schools. As they explain, throughout Latin America, neoliberal policies have guided educational reforms and translated into the commodification of education, including privatizations.

However, among the propositions to overcome the initial and continued training gap of teachers, Pereira and Previtali (2018) indicate re-elaboration and constancy in the analytical debate of the current situation, to make the dynamics of this reality more intelligible and timely to correct routes.

Furthermore, cluster 4 highlighted the educational potential of “historical-critical pedagogy”. According to Neves and Sales (2021), this pedagogy is based on Marxist conceptions and presents itself as a viable proposal to understand the contradictions that affect the training and the work of teachers and disqualify education. Lopes and Silva (2018) inferred that there is coherence in the assumptions of historical-critical pedagogy in the face of the demands of rural education and teaching professionalization because it focuses on critical, reflective, inclusive, and liberating human formation.

Therefore, it is understood that it is impossible to conceive teaching work disconnected from public educational policies, which must be attentive to the different perspectives that affect students, teachers, schools, and society.

Cluster 5, with articles published on average between 2019 to 2020, established the thematic axis “precariousness of teaching work”, which communicates with different educational domains. In this set of keywords, precariousness emerged about educational institutions in general, which indicates that it is a comprehensive, multifaceted, and recurring problem.

In connection with other clusters, Correia and Souza (2022) found that neoliberal and productivist demands impose multiple roles on teachers in public and private schools, less rights, damage to health and teacher training, in addition to causing a series of social injustices.

In higher education in the healthcare area, Matos, Boneti, and Ferla (2023) verified the dissatisfaction of Medicine professors at a federal university in the South of Brazil due to setbacks and insufficient institutional investment. In Petrolina, state of Pernambuco, Macêdo, Amorim, and Souza (2021) exposed that interference in professional, personal, and family routines caused illness in Nursing, Medicine, and Psychology professors. Gomes, Leher, and Costa (2020), when studying labor conflicts in private higher education institutions owned by open business groups with shares on the stock exchange, found that to amplify profits, they increase exploitation through salary reductions, alteration of teachers into tutors, the replacement of in-person classes with distance education and layoffs.

Given this panorama of lack of dignity for teachers, studies point to the incorporation and continuity of struggles and resistance to neoliberal oppression (Correia; Souza, 2022); multi-professional, family, institutional and public policy engagement to improve the working and health conditions of teachers (Macêdo; Amorim; Souza, 2021); more investment in initial and continuing training (Matos; Boneti; Ferla, 2023); and collective articulations mediated by unions (Farfán; Diniz-Pereira, 2023).

Therefore, it is possible to infer that, given the complexity of the vicissitudes that arise and continue in the teaching work, permanent reflections to dismantle the existing affronts and curb the worsening of this adverse situation are urgent.

Cluster 6, with an estimated publication period of 2017 to 2022, referred to the thematic axis “teaching work in early childhood education”. In representative articles, the particularities of early childhood education determine the ideal profile for teachers. However, contrary to the relevance of the social functions performed by early childhood education teachers, according to Alves and Côco (2020), this is one of the most privatized stages of education in Brazil. Even in partner schools, which receive public resources while remaining private, teaching work is marked by disagreements, in part due to pressure to achieve mercantilist goals.

It is important to highlight that early childhood education requires the aptitude and sensitivity of teachers to deal with children in the growth and development phase. (Oliveira; Silva, 2021). The child's ability to respond to educational stimuli guides the teacher, who remains in constant observation and evaluation, making practice more flexible to the specificities of children. This didactic proposal differs from those that are suitable for other age groups, which includes games, stimulation of discoveries, and coexistence aimed at social and cognitive development (Martins; Rodrigues, 2023) as the dialectical relationships present in playtime and educational games favor child development and are useful in organizing teaching work (Silvestre; Barbosa, 2022).

Furthermore, the keywords in this cluster were addressed to historical-cultural theory. To Lordani, Cruz, and Araújo (2022), the contributions of this theory can favor the academic and continued training of early childhood education teachers because, through systematized knowledge, it historically emphasizes the humanization of different social subjects.

5 Final considerations

In this research, the question was: what are the most emphatic themes in Brazilian studies about teaching work? To answer this concern, a bibliometric study was developed, with the main objective of understanding what Brazilian researchers discuss at an international level regarding teaching work.

The analysis covered 286 articles published between March 12, 2008, and September 8, 2023. Until 2006, there was a reduced number of registrations in WoS, but, as of 2018, the numbers increased to 40-56 annual publications, registered in 11 categories, with educational being the most significant, which confirms the interdisciplinary interest in teaching work. The studies were even signed by scientists from Canada, Switzerland, Portugal, the United States and Chile.

The network of keywords, by elucidating the most innovative theme concerning teaching work (Covid-19 pandemic, ERT, learning, training, public policies, and precariousness) ratified the impact of this health problem on pedagogical activities.

The 40 most frequent keywords in the general corpus, when grouped into six clusters connected to each other, made it possible to identify six thematic axes: 1) working conditions adverse to teachers’ health; 2) DIT in teaching work; 3) singularities in teaching work; 4) teaching work and educational policies; 5) precariousness of teaching work; and 6) teaching work in early childhood education.

The precariousness of teaching work resulting from neoliberalism permeated all other axes and research carried out during and after the Covid-19 pandemic confirms the intensification of this chronic problem. The texts contextualize nuances of teaching work in Brazil and confront them with public educational policies, problematizing the lack of effectiveness, but also present recommendations, among which the relevance of initial and permanent teacher training is highlighted, as well as a permanent dialogue between resistance against the devaluation of education and teachers.

The two main perspectives that confront each other in Brazil concerning teaching work, a profession considered fundamental to society, but, at the same time, devalued is paradoxical. The lack of prestige experienced by teachers goes beyond the issue of remuneration and has repercussions on the production of knowledge and science, on teachers' health, and several other aspects. To mitigate these ruptures, it is opportune to continue the debate, extending it within and beyond the profession, the scientific community, society, and political entities.

The study did not consider production in other databases and indexers, however, given the methodological rigor and the significant number of 286 articles analyzed, it is believed to relevantly demonstrate the panorama of Brazilian scientific communications on teaching work.

For future studies, it is recommended to replicate the methodology outlined in this text on other platforms or update the current analysis to monitor the state of Brazilian research on teaching work and understand the arguments that Brazilian scholars raise and propagate.

How to cite this article (ABNT)ASSIS, Valdegil Daniel de; NEVES, Vanusa Nascimento Sabino; ARAGÃO, Wilson Honorato. Um balanço da produção científica brasileira sobre trabalho docente (2008-2023). Educação & Formação, Fortaleza, v. 8, e11805, 2023. Disponível em:

1 The study did not require consideration and approval by the Ethics Committee, because it only manipulated open data.


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Received: September 08, 2023; Accepted: December 19, 2023; Published: December 20, 2023

Responsible editor: Lia Machado Fiuza Fialho

Ad hoc experts: Lucidio Bianchetti and Hamilton Perninck Vieira

Translator: Marina Lima Pompeu

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