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Educação & Formação

On-line version ISSN 2448-3583

Educ. Form. vol.8  Fortaleza  2023  Epub July 18, 2023 


The teacher training process in Physical Education and the Student Assistance Policy: state of knowledge

Gabriela da Silva Vianai  , Conceptualization, data collection, formal data analysis, article writing; lattes: 9963690261219995

Marcos Vinicius Franciscoii  , Project management, funding acquisition, proofreading; lattes: 7996858773030239

IState University of Maringá, Maringá, PR, Brazil. E-mail:

iiState University of Maringá, Maringá, PR, Brazil. E-mail:


This paper aims to analyze the state of knowledge of Brazilian Student Assistance Policies during the training process of Physical Education teachers from the perspective of production in stricto sensu Graduate Programs. Through the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, a search was made for theses and dissertations defended in Graduate Programs linked to the areas of Education, Physical Education, and Social Work published between 2011 and 2021. The materials selected were problematized in the light of historical-dialectical materialism. The results revealed the absence of theses and/or dissertations in the Physical Education area that contemplate the Student Assistance Policy in the teacher training process. On the other hand, investigations reinforce Student Assistance as a guaranteeing mechanism for the permanence of economically vulnerable students, in addition to appearing as a protagonist element in valuing the teaching profession.

Keywords: Student Assistance Policy; teacher training; Physical education


Esta investigação visa analisar o estado do conhecimento das Políticas de Assistência Estudantil brasileiras durante o processo de formação de professores/as de Educação Física sob a perspectiva da produção em Programas de Pós-Graduação stricto sensu. Por meio da Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações, procedeu-se à busca de teses e dissertações defendidas em Programas de Pós-Graduação vinculados às áreas de Educação, Educação Física e Serviço Social publicadas entre 2011 e 2021. Os materiais selecionados foram problematizados à luz do materialismo histórico-dialético. Os resultados revelaram a ausência de teses e/ou dissertações na área da Educação Física que contemplem a Política de Assistência Estudantil no processo de formação de professores/as. Por outro lado, as investigações reforçam a Assistência Estudantil como um mecanismo garantidor da permanência de estudantes economicamente menos favorecidos/as, além de figurar como elemento protagonista na valorização da profissão docente.

Palavras-chave: Política de Assistência Estudantil; formação de professores; Educação Física


Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar el estado del conocimiento de las Políticas de Asistencia Estudiantil en el proceso de formación de profesores/as de Educación Física sob la perspectiva de la producción en Programas de Posgrado stricto sensu en Brasil. A través de la Biblioteca Digital Brasileña de Tesis y Disertaciones, se realizó la búsqueda de tesis y disertaciones defendidas en Programas de Posgrado vinculados a las áreas de Educación, Educación Física y Servicio Social publicadas entre 2011 y 2021. Los materiales seleccionados fueron problematizados a la luz del materialismo histórico-dialéctico. Los resultados revelaron la ausencia de tesis y/o disertaciones en el campo de la Educación Física que contemplen la Política de Asistencia Estudiantil en el proceso de formación de profesores/as. Por otro lado, las investigaciones refuerzan la Asistencia Estudiantil como un mecanismo que garantiza la permanencia de estudiantes económicamente menos favorecidos/as, además de presentarse como fundamental en la valorización de la profesión docente.

Palabras clave: Política de Asistencia al Estudiante; formación de profesores; Educación Física

1 Introduction

The beginning of the Student Assistance Policies (PAEs) in Brazilian public universities remotes to the creation of the first Higher Education institutions in the country. Among the goals of Student Assistance, one can mention the democratization of the access and the permanence and conclusion of the courses by Higher Education students since the most socioeconomically vulnerable and/or historically marginalized have fewer conditions of remaining enrolled and, therefore, finish the course (KOWALSKI, 2012; NASCIMENTO; BEGGIATO, 2020).

In this sense, according to Kowalski (2012), it was after the creation of the National Forum of Pro-Rectors for Community and Student Affairs (Fonaprace), in 1987, that universities advanced the development of policies that contemplate the main addressed conditions and demands related to student permanence in these establishments, such as services related to food, transportation, health, housing, among others.

Consequently, in the 2000s, the debate concerning the elaboration of student assistance programs in public Higher Education in Brazil has become consistent, strengthened mainly by the creation of the Program and Support for Restructuring and Expansion Plans of Federal Universities (Reuni), established by Decree No. 6. 096, of 2007, and by the launching of the National Plan for Student Assistance (Pnaes), instituted by Decree No. 7.234, of 2010, whose goals consists of guiding federal institutions to define assistance programs for socioeconomically vulnerable students (KOWALSKI, 2012).

Such movement of support of student permanence, as pointed by Paiva (2015), includes the National Education Plan 2014-2024, responsible for establishing the directions for a democratic Higher Education that would meet the growing demands of guaranteeing students’ access and permanence in the Brazilian scenario.

National research published by Fonaprace in 2019, in partnership with the National Association of Directors of Federal Institutions of Higher Education (Andifes), helped to determine that the main reason given by the beneficiary students about the idea of withdrawing a course before receiving support from Student Assistance was financial difficulties, accounting for 27.40% of the investigated public. Furthermore, in comparison with those who are not covered by the assistance, the beneficiaries withdraw their courses less when the reasons are related to dissatisfaction with the course or the lack of conciliation with work (SILVA, 2021).

In relation to the teacher training courses, such as the degree in Physical Education, the focus of this article, the extensive work hours to complement the family income, in the case of vulnerable students, along with the lack of future perspectives and social disgrace of the teachers career engender the reasons for the non-permanence of students in the initial training courses, materializing, thus, the discourse that it is not possible to reconcile studies with labor activities (ASSIS et al., 2013; FERREIRA; BARROS, 2018).

Therefore, during their training process, those students, part of a context marked by the accentuated social inequality in Higher Education, live with a double obstacle: just as their conditions of permanence in the course are limited due to socioeconomic vulnerability, the type of course to which they are linked and that will make them future teachers, thus, the undergraduate course, imposes challenges that alert and worry the students even during their graduation.

In this sense, this research, funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), considered as central issues the following questions: what do the theses and dissertations defended in Graduation Programs in Physical Education, Education, and Social Work, in the Brazilian context, reveal about the PAEs in the process of Physical Education1 teachers training? What is the regional insertion of the researchers/research groups that study the theme? What do the course conclusion papers in the stricto sensu modality reveal about the processes of evasion and/or permanence of PAEs students, Physical Education undergraduate students?

Such questions are especially when considering the processes of Physical Education teachers' training. Similar to other degrees, according to Andrade and Lopes (2017), the action of the PAEs in these courses should develop actions and services of educational and dialogical nature in order to complement the students' training process and promote the future professional insertion of these subjects.

In the meantime, this research aimed to analyze the state of knowledge of the Brazilian PAEs during the process of physical education teacher training from the perspective of the production in stricto sensu Graduate Programs.

2 Methodology

This investigation is of the state of knowledge type and, according to Romanowski and Ens (2006), it is characterized by addressing only one sector of the publications concerning the studied theme, such as theses and dissertations.

In this perspective, through research in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), we selected theses and dissertations in Portuguese, defended in stricto sensu Graduate Programs in Brazil linked to the areas of Education, Physical Education, and Social Work, published in the period from 2011 to 2021.

In the advanced searches, we used the following descriptors: “Policy”, “Student Assistance”, “Physical Education”, “Teacher Training”, and “Student Permanence”. These descriptors were crossed using the Boolean operator “AND”: “Policy” AND “Student Assistance” AND “Teacher Training”; “Student Assistance” AND “Physical Education”; “Policy” AND “Student Assistance”; and “Policy” AND “Student Permanence”.

It is noteworthy that the established time cut (2011-2021) for data collection includes the productions in the area from the last decade, a period in which there was a further development of Social Policies - especially from the expansion of public universities - plus its dismantling through the labor reform, materialized in Law No. 13,467 of July 13, 2017. The choice of BDTD was due to the fact that it provides, through open access, all the theses and dissertations defended in the country, an aspect that is in line with the possibilities of mapping the theme.

Through the fluctuating reading of the abstracts, the studies that met the goals of the investigations were fully read, thus, those who focused on PAEs on the teacher’s training in the Physical Education area. Then, they were problematized in the light of the main categories present in historical-dialectical materialism (HDM), namely: the totality, contradiction, and mediation (PAULO NETTO, 2011; SILVA, 2019). It is worth pointing out that such categories are not fixed, given that every investigated object reveals its specificities. According to Paulo Netto (2011, p. 53), “[...] the method implies, therefore, [...], a certain position (perspective) of the subject that research: that in which the researcher puts himself to, in his relationship with the object, extract from it its multiple determinations”.

Below, Table 1 outlines the initially selected papers.

Table 1 Initial synthesis of the theses and dissertations selected in the BDTD. 

Descriptors Total of theses and dissertations found Selected Dissertations Selected Theses
“Policy” AND “Student Assistance” AND “Teacher Training” 7 3 1
“Policy” AND “Student Assistance” 276 1 2
“Policy” AND “Student Permanence” 35 1 4
“Student Assistance” AND “Physical Education” - - -
Total with duplications 318 5 7

Source: Research in the BDTD (2022).

From the advanced searches in the BDTD, 318 papers were found. From this total, we selected 16 theses and dissertations among which, however, there were four duplications. Therefore, 12 studies were analyzed, five dissertations and seven theses, once they matched the criteria of the research. Other two works, initially, did not belong to the Graduate Programs required as one of the inclusion criteria in this study (Education, Physical Education, and Social Work), were included since they met the goals of the research: a dissertation defended in the area of Public Policy Management, at Federal University of Tocantins (MAURICIO, 2019) and another in the Public Management at Federal University of Pernambuco (PENHA, 2015).

Among the seven selected theses, six are linked to the Education area and one to the Social Work area:

  • a) South: Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC): one;

  • b) Southeast: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio): one; São Paulo State University (Unesp): two; and University of São Paulo (USP): one;

  • c) Central west: University of Brasília (UnB): one;

  • d) Northeast: Federal University of Sergipe (UFS): one.

On the other hand, the five selected dissertations were defended on the following universities of the country, all of which are in the Education area:

  • a) South: Western Paraná State University (Unioeste): one;

  • b) Southeast: Unesp: one;

  • c) Central west: UnB: one;

  • d) North: Federal University of Pará (UFPA): one;

  • e) Northeast: Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA): one.

Below, Table 2 shows, in the chronological order of defense, the selected theses and dissertations that subsidized this research’s grounds and data analysis.

Table 2 Selected theses and dissertations 

Title / Author(s) Thesis / Dissertation / Area of knowledge Institutional binding Year of defense
1 - School evasion in higher education: a study in the undergraduate courses at the Western Paraná State University - Unioeste - Cascavel campus / CASTRO, Luciana Paula Vieira de Dissertation / Education Unioeste 2013
2 - The two faces of UFF's Student Assistance Policy: the institutionality of the processes and the perspectives of student demand / PINTO, Giselle Thesis / Education PUC-Rio 2015
3 - Evaluation of the National Student Assistance Program - Pnaes at UTFPR Medianeira Marília campus/ BETZEK, Simone Beatris Farinon Dissertation / Education Unesp 2015
4 - The expansion of Higher Education at UFMA (2010-2014) in the context of Reuni / CARVALHO, Evandicleia Ferreira de Dissertation / Education UFMA 2016
5 - The Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarship (Pibid) and the training of Natural Science teachers: possibility for praxis in initial training? / GIMENES, Camila Itikawa Thesis / Education USP 2016
6 - Student Assistance at UFPA and the repercussions for students in the Pedagogy course: from permanence to conclusion / SILVEIRA, Antonia Vanessa Freitas Dissertation / Education UFPA 2017
7 - A study about evasion in a Physics undergraduate course: discourses of former students and professors / KUSSUDA, Sérgio Rykio Thesis / Education Unesp 2017
8 - University training for teachers from low-income backgrounds: The importance of the social role of education in breaking the cycle of exclusion of children in Basic Education / MARTINS, Luana Chaves Dissertation / Education UnB 2018
9 - The effects of Pibid on the undergraduate courses at the Professor Alberto Carvalho campus/UFS: a comparative study between former participants and non-participants of the program during and after their initial training / JESUS, Jairton Mendonça de Thesis / Education UFS 2018
10 - Student permanence policies in contemporary higher education: the UTFPR experience - Medianeira campus / GÓMEZ, Magela Reny Fonticiella Thesis / Education Unesp 2019
11 - Gender and teacher training: an analysis of the training of rural women in the undergraduate course in Rural Education at the Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará / GONÇALVES, Micheli Suellen Neves Thesis / Education UnB 2019
12 - Cartographies of the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (Pibid) of Geography in Brazil: the design of public policy and its knowledge / COSTA, Glauber Barros Alves Thesis / Education UFSC 2019

Source: Research in the BDTD (2022).

3 PAEs and the school evasion phenomenon

Initially, it is important to illustrate the regional insertion of the selected research in order to identify in which Brazilian regions the theses and dissertations that were part of the scope of this research were defended, as well as in which universities in the country, presented below in Graph 1.

Source: Authors (2022).

Graph 1 Regional insertion of the theses and dissertations 

According to the data, although the Southeast region had the higher concentration of investigations, this research confirms an important aspect: the expansion of the stricto sensu Graduate courses in different regions of Brazil, aspect that contributes to the production of knowledge about the theme in question that contemplates the heterogeneity of the national territory. However, one cannot lose sight of the fact that there is a distortion in relation to the areas that research the PAEs in Higher Education.

Regarding the productions that deal with the PAEs in the process of Physical Education teachers' training - one of the selection criteria - it became evident that no thesis and/or dissertation was defended in the stricto sensu Graduate Programs. Such dimension, according to Francisco (2013), is a reflection of the identity contours of the area, materialized in the research lines of the Programs. Besides, those that contemplate lines connected to the historical-social and didactic-pedagogical dimensions in Physical Education are also scarce.

Physical Education, even in its early days, conceived in a dichotomized way the epistemological conception of this area of knowledge by incorporating concepts from more scientifically recognized areas, such as medical and military, which led to the dominance of positivist science (bachelor's degree) to the detriment of discussions of humanistic, philosophical, and pedagogical bias (undergraduate). In this context, social inequalities began to be justified exclusively by the biological perspective of the human being, without considering the historical and social determinants that permeate society (FRANCISCO, 2013; TAFFAREL; SANTANA; LUZ, 2021).

Therefore, the devaluation of physical education teacher training courses has a historical root, because, throughout its history, the concepts linked to positivism are highlighted, based on eugenic precepts, the hygienic conception, body control, and the dichotomization of the individual, in line with the interests of the capitalist production system (SOARES, 2021; TAFFAREL; SANTANA; LUZ, 2021).

However, though facing the lack of papers that problematize, specifically, the link between the PAEs and Physical Education undergraduate students, it is possible to establish a close relationship between the PAEs and the dropout phenomenon in the context of Higher Education.

Among the reasons that made the initial teacher training students evade Higher Education, the main one is the insertion in the labor market to supplement the family income, motivated by the socioeconomic conditions of these students' families (BETZEK, 2015; CASTRO, 2013; KUSSUDA, 2017; PINTO, 2015; SILVEIRA, 2017).

Added to the lack of conciliation between work and academic life, there are other aspects that motivate the evasion, such as the little time to dedicate to studies and the PAE's inadequacy in serving students from economically disadvantaged classes, factors that cause situations of frustration and psychological problems (CASTRO, 2013; CARVALHO, 2016), as well as the disinterest and discouragement to the teaching profession, as observed by Kussuda (2017) in his doctoral dissertation.

As a result, Penha (2015), in the sampling of her doctoral dissertation, concluded that the undergraduate courses are those that cover the largest number of beneficiaries of the PAE, because 70% of these students had family income below one minimum wage. Corroborating the above, Betzek (2015), when analyzing the origin of the beneficiaries of PNAES at the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Medianeira campus, found that 90% of the students of the undergraduate courses attended by the PAE come from public schools. Student Assistance, therefore, assumes an essential role in supporting the permanence and the conclusion of the course for socioeconomically vulnerable students. Similarly, Mauricio (2019) confirms that the courses with the lowest evasion percentage are those that include the largest number of requests from students in conditions of social and economic vulnerability.

This scenario, as clarified by Marx (2017), Puello-Socarrás (2021), and Tonelo (2021), derives from the material conditions of existence of human life dependent on the global process of capitalist production. In this context, social inequality is a central and vital element for the perpetuation of the capitalist structure, once it seeks, through the conservation of an almost estate system, to strengthen its relations of power and domination in an attempt to circumvent the crises of capital that arise over time.

In this view, Social Policies, after all, are diluted in the capitalist system of production - such as the PAEs -, although they are understood as a support mechanism for the reduction of social inequality. Regarding its implementation, Chaves and Gehlen (2019) emphasize that its goal is to mitigate the negative effects arising from capitalism itself, directly affecting the guarantee of social rights, such as education, a view corroborated by Carvalho (2016), Gimenes (2016), and Pinto (2015). In other words, it is a process that presents a constant movement: the capitalist production system seeks profitability at all costs, while promoting mechanisms, among them Social Policies, in order to mask the exploitation inherent to its structure. However, these policies are frequently insufficient and, therefore, do not contemplate all those who need them.

Another relevant discussion to be discussed on the works concerns the effectiveness of Student Assistance on the reduction of school evasion in the scope focused by PAE, mostly the financial and material aspects as the main mechanisms to maintain the permanence of students who benefit from it, consolidating it as the basis of Student Assistance in universities. Among those services, it is worth highlighting the offer of academic scholarships, the provision of food aid, transportation aid and housing aid, and payment for the expenses of academic services, such as photocopying (BETZEK, 2015; CARVALHO, 2016; MAURICIO, 2019; PENHA, 2015; SILVEIRA, 2017).

On the other hand, Gonçalves (2019) discuss the association of vulnerability beyond the economic aspect, especially because, according to the author, there are social and cultural elements that historically deny and/or hinder the presence of working-class students in Higher Education. Distancing herself from the exclusive offer of material services in the PAE, the author defends symbolic conditions that favor the permanence of students in different degrees, such as dialogues between professors and students; investment in the continued formation of professors, focusing on didactic-pedagogical aspects; a greater integration of students into academic life; and the incentive for universities to value the teaching profession.

Mauricio (2019, p. 90) corroborates this argument and proceeds to conduct a rigorous analysis about this dimension in the context of the Federal University of Tocantins:

It is necessary to highlight that, besides the socio-economic vulnerability, many factors can affect academic performance, such as, for example, academic, personal, institutional factors; for this reason, the PNAES also recommends psycho-pedagogical support. Furthermore, it is important to highlight the peculiarities of each course, the differences between courses in the exact and human areas, the course shift, among others.

In other words, the phenomenon in question demands analysis and investigation based on the synthesis of the multiple determinations that compose it.

3.1 PAE in teacher training courses: from implementation to the future pedagogical practices of undergraduate students

Another important dimension to consider is the managements of the institutions regarding the PAE, since they are the ones responsible for the creation and/or the implementation of these policies at the university, and would, therefore, have a fraction of the responsibility in the effective promotion of the Public Policy in society.

Carvalho (2016), Jesus (2018), Mauricio (2019), Penha (2015), and Pinto (2015) highlight the exclusionary selection criteria, such as the existing bureaucratization in the application documents to apply for aid and the stratification in the selection of candidates due to the selection stages, as well as the lack of monitoring of the PAEs and the lack of institutional transparency in the evaluation of Student Assistance, factors that, together, constitute an obstacle to the effectiveness of the PAE.

Aiming to reconfigure this scenario of stratification, Gómez (2019) emphasizes the defense of collective participation in the development of policies for students, with the interweaving of managers between professors, pedagogical staff, and academics, so that in fact the PAE can meet the demand of the students who need it.

This commitment can be assumed by means of the formation of information networks, such as the pro-rectories, departments, and collegiate bodies; the creation of policies linked to the specificities of the undergraduate degree; the creation of criteria for the selection of candidates that are not exclusive; the promotion of easy access to computerized data for monitoring and evaluation, as well as non-bureaucratic enrollment procedures. In theory, the consolidation of these strategies would not jeopardize the participation of all those who need it, since, despite the inclusion of all the postulants of these policies in a certain profile, they are not always able to cope with the income requirements (COSTA, 2019; GÓMEZ, 2019; JESUS, 2018; PENHA, 2015; PINTO, 2015).

It is worth highlighting the research that analyzes the influences of PAEs on the future teacher’s pedagogical practice. This subsection signals the changes in perspectives about the future, both in academic, professional, and community life and in the possibilities of the students' social life when they are benefited with scholarships linked to teaching and intended for undergraduate degrees, such as the Institutional Program of Scholarship for Initiation to Teaching (Pibid) (COSTA, 2019; GIMENES, 2016; GÓMEZ, 2019; GONÇALVES, 2019; JESUS, 2018; MARTINS, 2018; PINTO, 2015).

It is worth mentioning that the Pibid is a policy created by the federal government in 2007, with funding from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) and with the purpose of valuing the teaching profession and supporting students of full degree from Higher Education Institutions, through the insertion of students in basic education schools to develop didactic and pedagogical activities. As a form of support for the initial formation of teachers, scholarships are granted to students of teacher education courses, schoolteachers and higher education professors participating in projects of initiation to teaching (GIMENES, 2016).

Regarding the contributory aspects of Pibid, the productions reveal the program as an important contributor to the permanence of undergraduates linked to Pibid, breaking the walls between university and school, enabling relationships of collectivity and the construction of support networks between institutions (university and school), encouraging the teaching practice, in addition to accounting for an important portion in reducing the exclusionary cycle of socioeconomically vulnerable students when these future professionals become teachers (CASTRO, 2013; COSTA, 2019; GIMENES, 2016; GÓMEZ, 2019; JESUS, 2018; MARTINS, 2018; PINTO, 2015). It is, therefore, a program that contributes to the permanence of students in higher education, although it is not characterized as PAE.

In this sense, the contributions of Gimenes (2016, p. 137) are valid when considering that it is not enough to promote policies aimed at benefiting undergraduate courses if the historically established logic about the devaluation of teacher education is not changed:

[...] the struggles for public education in recent decades point to one and the same need for a global policy of training and valuing teachers, which includes initial and continuing education, working conditions, salary, and career. For this to happen, this policy can only be put into effect with adequate financing for public and state education, which, as we know, will only be accomplished with social mobilization and struggle.

Finally, social policies, like the PAE, should be understood as a means for the working class to occupy spaces dominated and considered exclusive to the bourgeoisie only if there is an intention to promote social transformation. Remembering that this is only one of the multiple determinations or facets that should be understood as flags of the struggle of the proletariat.

4 Closing remarks

Data collected in this investigation with the goal to analyze, on a national level, the state of knowledge of the PAE in the process of physical education teachers' training from the production in stricto sensu Graduate Programs, highlight the need to promote other studies on the subject - especially of an empirical nature - since no theses and/or dissertations were found in the area of Physical Education, nor a production that covered the relationship of the PAE in the process of students' training in this area of knowledge.

The results indicated the relevance of creating monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of the PAE for the maintenance of the assistance benefits offered, since the capitalist system remodels itself from time to time and inequality intensifies and increasingly reaches a larger number of people. In this regard, Marx (2017, p. 881) reinforces that capitalism: “[...] is both a process of production of the material conditions of existence of human life, and a process which, operating specific historical-economic conditions of productions, produces and reproduces these same relations of production”.

The literature reveals that policies must be formulated considering the totality of the dimensions that involve student permanence, especially with the prerogative of involving all characters in its creation, such as the students, the community, and the institution's management network, not restricting the creation to a select group of people.

Through the analysis of the papers, Student Assistance is also highlighted as a mechanism that guarantees not only the permanence of less privileged students in universities but also - in the case of teacher training courses, such as the degree in Physical Education - as an elementary factor in the valorization of the teaching profession, especially because the degree has been historically marginalized.

Therefore, analyzing the discussions about the PAE in initial teacher training becomes relevant when raising discussions related to overcoming social inequality, the struggle for the democratization of education, and the insertion of the less wealthy classes in public universities, as well as the relations that several aspects, especially the historical and social ones, have on the search for student equity in Higher Education.


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1Regarding Physical Education, the area of Education has decisively influenced the training of masters and doctors who have focused on the didactic-pedagogical dimension in Physical Education in Brazil. As far as Social Work is concerned, the PAE are the target of studies in different fields of professional action.

Received: December 15, 2022; Accepted: February 28, 2023; Published: April 24, 2023

Gabriela da Silva Viana, State University of Maringá (UEM), Physical Education course

Undergraduate student of Physical Education at UEM; member of the Study and Research Group on Educational Policies, Management and Financing of Education (Gepefi/CNPq) and the research group State, Educational Policies and Teacher Training (Epefop), both linked to UEM. Member of CNPq/UEM in the area of Education and linked to the research line Educational Policies and Teacher Training in Physical Education.

Authorship contribution: Conceptualization, data collection, formal data analysis, and article writing.



Marcos Vinicius Francisco, State University of Maringá (UEM), Department of Human Movement Sciences (DCMH), Graduate Program in Education (PGE)

PhD in Education from the São Paulo State University (Unesp). Post-Doctorate in Education from University of Western São Paulo (Unoeste). He is currently pro-rector of education at UEM. Professor of the DCMH and permanent member of the PPE of UEM. Leader of the research group Estado, Políticas Educacionais e Formação de Professores/as (Epefop/CNPq) and coordinator of the Red Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Educación Escolar, Violencia y Desigualdad Social (Resvides).

Authorship Contribution: Project management, funding acquisition and proofreading.



Responsible editor:

Lia Machado Fiuza Fialho

Ad hoc reviewers:

Jose Airton de Freitas Pontes Junior and Angélica Silva


Greyce Moreira de Oliveira

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