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Revista de Educação PUC-Campinas

Print version ISSN 1519-3993On-line version ISSN 2318-0870


MOREIRA, Marcelle Resende  and  SILVA, Kátia Regina Xavier Pereira da. Self-regulated learning and reading comprehension in Elementary School. Educ. Puc. [online]. 2018, vol.23, n.3, pp.365-384. ISSN 2318-0870.

The aim of this article is to address the process of construction and validation of an educational tool based on the presuppositions of self-regulated learning. The focus was to improve the reading comprehension of fifth graders. The tool was developed from a qualitative and quantitative action research study carried out during a professional master’s degree course. The tool was submitted for evaluation by teachers and professionals in basic education. The selection and training of the peer evaluators were carried out during an extension course. The data collection related to the evaluation of the tool was carried out using a closed-question questionnaire and space was provided for comments of the evaluators. The quantitative data from this instrument were described and summarized based on descriptive statistics. The internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaire were estimated using “Cronbach’s alpha” values. Qualitative data were analyzed using Bardin’s content analysis technique. The results suggest that the educational tool has a potential for improving educational practice, developing self-regulatory processes, and increasing the repertoire of students’ learning strategies, due to its originality, writing clarity, and possible development of further questions based on the activities proposed.

Keywords : Self-regulated learning.; Reading comprehension; Curriculum; Elementary School; Learning strategies.

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