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vol.39 número1"Si no nos golpean, no aprendemos": educación y derechos del niño en AngolaTejendo una ciudad ejemplar: relaciones entre currículo, educación escolar y proyecto de la ciudad de Curitiba índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0101-465Xversión On-line ISSN 1981-2582


SAISI, Neide Barbosa. Nine year Basic Education in public school and private: different realities. Educação. Porto Alegre [online]. 2016, vol.39, n.1, pp.22-32. ISSN 1981-2582.

This article presents information about a research conducted in two Basic Education schools in the city of São Paulo, one public and another private, in 2011, which aimed at analysing and verifying if the implementing process of the Nine-year Basic Education System - Law 11.114/05 - has respected the specific features of children between 5 and 6 years of age, postulated by authors such as Piaget, Vygotsky and Wallon. The empirical data was collected through the observation of 1st grade lessons, interviews with the pupils' educators and an analysis of the Pedagogic Project. The results have shown that the steps taken were different in what concerns the physical and social environment of the new first grades, the teaching methodology, the relationship teacher-student, the teacher selection, the continuing education of teachers and the approach to the children in their uniquiness, thus revealing two diametrically opposed educational realities.

Palabras clave : Public Policies; Nine-Year Basic Education; Five to Six-Year-Old Children Characteristics.

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