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vol.25 número76CONOCIMIENTOS CURRICULARES DE GEOMETRÍA: un estudio con maestros de los primeros añosEL CURRÍCULO EN LA FORMACIÓN INICIAL DE PROFESORES DE QUÍMICA EN LA UFJF índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Teias

versión impresa ISSN 1518-5370versión On-line ISSN 1982-0305


ROCHA, Jamillys Rocha da; NUNES, Liara Lira  y  OLIVEIRA, Victor José Machado de. (DE)VALUATION OF SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THE COUNTRYSIDE OF AMAZONAS: notes on teachers’ imaginaries. Revista Teias [online]. 2024, vol.25, n.76, pp.181-193.  Epub 07-Mar-2024. ISSN 1982-0305.

Physical education is legally recognized as an obligatory curricular component of K-12 education. However, there are mishaps in its legitimation processes in school. We investigated the imaginaries attributed to physical education by the school community. More specifically, we analyzed the ambiguities of its (de)valuation. We conducted a qualitative research in the school in the countryside of Amazonas. Fifty-three participants answered a semi-structured interview. We categorized the data from a content analysis. We observed a type of confused blessing in which physical education is valued as an important subject but focused only on leisure moments with no pedagogical intention. We have also noticed the process of devaluation in the lack of teachers who graduated in physical education and the perspective of physical education as an exchange currency or an appendix of other subjects. We concluded that this conjecture can lead to a process of disinvestment/pedagogical abandonment and that we need public policies, which can change these scenarios.

Palabras clave : social imaginary; school physical education; pedagogical innovation; pedagogical disinvestment.

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