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vol.11 número20Potencialidades E Fragilidades De Um Curso De Engenharia Química Pela Análise De EgressosFatores Determinantes Da Qualidade Do Relacionamento Entre Uma Instituição Pública De Ensino E Seus Egressos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Regae: Revista de Gestão e Avaliação Educacional

versión On-line ISSN 2318-1338


BITTENCOURT, Hélio Radke; MARIA, Dirlene Melo Santa  y  BERTOLIN, Júlio. Factor Associated With The Enade’s Performance Of Pedagogy Students. Regae: Rev. Gest. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2022, vol.11, n.20, e69963.  Epub 27-Sep-2023. ISSN 2318-1338.

It is well known that the school characteristics, social background and sociodemographic profile have been associated with school performance. However, only these factors have been shown to be insufficient to explain all the causes of student performance, especially in the Higher Education. This study aims to identify factors associated with performance in Enade from data available in microdata of 2017, both at individual and course levels and, separately, for general and the specific components. The results reveal that social background and sociodemographic characteristics have a more relevant effect than the school factor on performance, but despite this, the proportion of the variance explained for the models was low, especially with regard to individual performance.

Palabras clave : Enade; school performance; higher education..

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