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vol.21 número2Cognição e afetividade na escola: síntese de três estudos, sobre epistemologia genética e psicanálise.Discurso de agradecimento índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista da Faculdade de Educação

versión impresa ISSN 0102-2555


MEDEIROS, Marilu Fontoura de  y  MARTINS, Ana Maria Petersen. O educador negado: reflexões e possibilidades de resgate do pensamento pedagógico de Anísio Teixeira. Rev. Fac. Educ. [online]. 1995, vol.21, n.2, pp.79-108. ISSN 0102-2555.

The present article as a part of research Project represents primarily our unconformity with the theoretical treatment gave to Anísio Teixeira, to his ways of thinking and his works. Previously to the relate research about some categories of the Anísio’s pedagogical ideas, we think is relevant reflect about the critics that were done by others researchs. So, we bring out others authors ideas and critics concerning Anísio’s work, headling some analysis’ Manichaeism, with principal dimensions, if we consider the “understanding of yesterday with the paradigms or vectors as un ideological point of view of today”.

Palabras clave : Anísio Teixeira; History of Brazilian Education; Brazilian Educator; Philosophy of Education.

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