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vol.29 número02Indissociabilidade entre ensino e pesquisa: a qualidade da graduação em tempos de democratizaçãoPráctica, agencia e identidad y la docencia de la educación superior de Tabasco (un estudio de caso) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0102-5473


RAMOS, Kátia Maria da Cruz. Questionando o saber refletindo sobre o fazer: inquietações de professores sobre a profissionalidade docente universitária. Perspectiva [online]. 2011, vol.29, n.02, pp.463-481. ISSN 0102-5473.

This paper is part of the movement to reconsider university teaching and provides elements for the recent debate about the professionalism of university teaching, understanding it as a profession that involves relationships. It gathers data from a decade of involvement in actions to revise pedagogic didactics aimed at university professors, and dialogs with studies based on a perspective with multiple references. The study strives to understand and defend a reflexive, investigative and critical professionalism of university teaching based on individual and collective responsibility. It identifies paths that have allowed university professors to resignify the teaching function, while understanding that to question knowledge and reflect on their actions is inherent to teaching in general and to the dynamics that structure professionalism in university teaching in particular.

Palabras clave : University Teaching Professionalism; University Teaching; Teacher Education.

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