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vol.05 número02O desafio da educação superior no Brasil: quais são as perspectivas?Habilidades básicas de universitários ingressantes índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)

versión impresa ISSN 1414-4077


CAMPEROS CAMERO, Mercedes. La evaluación institucional de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (U.C.V.): su fundamentación teórica y procedimental, alcances, logros y limitaciones. Avaliação (Campinas) [online]. 2000, vol.05, n.02, pp.25-32. ISSN 1414-4077.

This article summarizes the theoretical, conceptual and methodological aspects that lead the self-evaluation process, mat is being developed at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (U.C.V.). In it, are exposed the principles and characteristics of the evaluation at the U.C.V., the kinds of studies mat are being carried out, their achievements and limitations.

Palabras clave : Self-Evaluation; Institutional Evaluation; Ranges; Limitations; Institutional Self-Regulation; Kinds of Studies.

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