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vol.08 suppl.especialSaber lo que sabe el otro, saber qué sabe el otro: nota sobre la estructura del tiempo lógico en lacan y en el acontecimiento didáctico índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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ETD Educação Temática Digital

versión On-line ISSN 1676-2592


ERNESTO BEHARES, Luis. Enseñar en cuerpo y alma: la teoría de la enseñanza y el saber en la pulsión. ETD [online]. 2007, vol.08, suppl., pp.01-21. ISSN 1676-2592.

In this paper we intend to contribute, in the framework of the Theory of Didactic Event (TDiEv), to the discussion of the body as a presence-absence in teaching, in connexion to the possible knowledge to be produced there. We explore the notion of “drive” and its variations in Freud’s writings, from which we incorporate a triadic point of view: conscient representation (Imaginary), inconscient displacement (Symbolic), and anxiety (Real). This triadic point of view opens interesting perspectives for working in a theory of teaching which emphasizes the matter of knowledge without founding its theorizations upon cognitivist terms.

Palabras clave : Body; Drive; Teaching.

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