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Revista Brasileira de Educação Física e Esporte

versión On-line ISSN 1981-4690


MEIRA JUNIOR, Cássio Miranda; MAIA, José Antonio Ribeiro  y  TANI, Go. Frequency and precision of feedback and the adaptive process of learning a dual motor task. Rev. Bras. Educ. Fís. Esporte [online]. 2012, vol.26, n.03, pp.455-462. ISSN 1981-4690.

This work investigated the effects of frequency and precision of feedback on the learning of a dual-motor task. One hundred and twenty adults were randomly assigned to six groups of different knowledge of results (KR), frequency (100%, 66% or 33%) and precision (specific or general) levels. In the stabilization phase, participants performed the dual task (combination of linear positioning and manual force control) with the provision of KR. Ten non-KR adaptation trials were performed for the same task, but with the introduction of an electromagnetic opposite traction force. The analysis showed a significant main effect for frequency of KR. The participants who received KR in 66% of the stabilization trials showed superior adaptation performance than those who received 100% or 33%. This finding reinforces that there is an optimal level of information, neither too high nor too low, for motor learning to be effective.

Palabras clave : Knowledge of Results; Feedback; Motor Learning; Motor Skill; Adaptation; Dual Motor Task.

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