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Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica

versión impresa ISSN 0100-5502versión On-line ISSN 1981-5271


BARROS, Gisele Curi de; FERRAZ, Victor Evangelista de Faria  y  PANUNCIO-PINTO, Maria Paula. Implementation of a mentoring program for undergraduate health students: the experience of FMRP-USP. Rev. Bras. Educ. Med. [online]. 2021, vol.45, suppl.1, e115.  Epub 24-Mayo-2021. ISSN 1981-5271.


Discussions on the importance of providing comprehensive education to students in higher education have been broadened. In addition to the acquisition of technical skills, the importance of relational development, attitudes and values based on ethical principles is emphasized. In the field of health education, taking care of future caregivers can be a way to achieve these goals. Mentoring programs constitute a help relationship in which a person with more experience in the field of training welcomes, guides and assists a group of newcomers in the same area, contributing to academic, personal and social development.

Experience report:

This work reports on the implementation, development and maintenance of a Mentoring Program for students from undergraduate health courses of a public higher education institution, under the coordination of its educational and psychological support center. It was initiated through a pilot project with medical students, and later offered to students from six other undergraduate health courses of the teaching unit. It is characterized as a voluntary, extracurricular activity, offered in the first semester to incoming students. The meetings are conducted by mentors, assisted by veteran students, the peers.


The study highlights factors that contributed to a greater or lesser awareness and understanding of the program’s objectives, participation and the maintenance of groups. The program was adjusted and modified in line with the changes that took place at the center responsible for its coordination, with investment in collective activities to promote well-being and quality of life.


Mentoring programs are important interventions for welcoming and supporting students during their undergraduate training. They can present challenges in their implementation and maintenance, requiring coordination and constant monitoring, in dialogue with all those involved in their implementation.

Palabras clave : Reception; Higher Education; Students; Mentors; Health.

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