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vol.21 número37Gráfico tátil: a possível forma de informação e inclusão do deficiente visualUtilização da sacola ecológica como recurso didático do zoológico “Quinzinho de Barros” na educação ambiental em espaços não-formais de aprendizagem índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Educação: Teoria e Prática

versión On-line ISSN 1981-8106


MARQUES, Amanda Cristina Teagno Lopes  y  ALMEIDA, Maria Isabel de. Registro de práticas e formação de professores: reflexão, memória e autoria. Educ. Teoria Prática [online]. 2011, vol.21, n.37, pp.169-188. ISSN 1981-8106.

This article aims at analyzing the contribution of the register of practices in the process of in-service training and teacher development. It is organized in three parts: first, we elucidate concepts of different authors about our object (FREIRE, 1996; GUARNIERI, 2001; SÁ-CHAVES, 2004, WARSCHAUER, 1993, 2001; ZABALZA, 1994, 2004), in the second part, we analyze some register of practices produced by a professor of early childhood education, seeking to highlight elements that indicate the relationship between register, reflection and training; in the end, we indicate the need to move the register as individual attitude to the register as a collective process, as suggested by the perspective of pedagogical documentation described in Italian literature (BALSAMO, 1998; BENZONI, 2001; BORGHI, APOSTOLI, 2001; GANDINI, GOLDHABER, 2002). The register of practices can contribute to the processes of professional and organizational development, in a reflective school (ALARCÃO, 2002, 2003) and truly public because it makes visible to society by documentation of the experiences that teachers and children build together (MALAGUZZI, 1999).

Palabras clave : Register of Practices; Pedagogical Documentation; Teacher Training; Professional Development.

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