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vol.14 número30Infancia, imagen y formación docente: entre experiencias, saberes y poderes en la educación infantilEl círculo mágico y el arte de dejar repetir en la infancia: ejercitación y aprendizaje en las esferas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Childhood & Philosophy

versión impresa ISSN 2525-5061versión On-line ISSN 1984-5987


LIMA, Camila Machado de. Childhood and teacher education: gestures, senses and beginnings. child.philo [online]. 2018, vol.14, n.30, pp.297-315. ISSN 1984-5987.

The present text is an essay on childhood and teacher education, making approximations and meetings that put in question the school, the education, the teaching, the time. Childhood is not considered a category of chronological time, but an establishing force of possibility, impossibility, questions, interruptions. Childhood is affirmed beyond an age, understood as existence, life, embodied in any body and in another temporality. It is interesting to ask about the childhoods that go through the teacher formation and, perhaps, think not only how we form childhood, but how childhood forms us. How do they potencialize teachers work? Under what conditions do these childhoods arise? Is the teacher becoming a maturation of childhood, childhood or childhood? What gestures tear and explode with the ways we get used to being with the children and the ways we are used to becoming teachers? These questions have accompanied me in the challenge of devoting sensitivity, attention and listening to the senses emanating from childhood, and the childhood that emanates from the senses, in the exercise of being a teacher of Early Childhood Education. Therefore, this work is inspired by the childhoods of children of the Secondary Education of Pedro II College, in childhoods of my teaching with these subjects, in beginnings, openings and beginnings that potentiate to inhabit the school and become a teacher in a childish way.

Palabras clave : childhood; teacher training; education.

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