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vol.27 número60BNCC y evaluaciones a gran escala: declaraciones en los discursos mediáticosPercepciones de egresados universitarios sobre la formación en el curso de Fisioterapia en la Universidad de Sorocaba índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1414-5138versión On-line ISSN 2318-1982


JESUS, Djanires Lageano Neto de; GONCALVES, Débora Fittipaldi  y  SILUS, Alan. Social and emotional skills of the college professor in the covid-19 pandemic: a stimulus to the “new” normal?. Sér.-Estud. [online]. 2022, vol.27, n.60, pp.215-239.  Epub 30-Ago-2022. ISSN 2318-1982.

University professors are suffering from mental and psychological exhaustion, driven by the pandemic of covid-19, which caused the temporary closure of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and drastically changed the way of teaching and learning. In this sense, the objective of this article is to present some socio-emotional discourses from the perspective of Brazilian university professors during the realization of Emergency Remote Education (ERE). To support this text, we used authors such as Bardin (2016), Charlot (2020), Dewey (1959), and e Perrenoud (2000). As a methodology, it had a qualitative, descriptive, bibliographic, documentary and exploratory approach, seeking to anchor the respondents’ answers with the use of a virtual resource called “word cloud” for later application of discourse and content analysis. The results, based on the 510 people interviewed, in the period from June to November 2020, point to the behavioral profile, the levels of stress and adaptability of the socio-emotional skills of university teachers, native to face-to-face education, who face the challenges imposed by the excessive use of educational technologies to encourage discussions and alternatives for teaching and learning, to deal with this “new normal” in the educational context.

Palabras clave : Emergency Remote Education; university education; socioemotional questions; skills.

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