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Cadernos de Pesquisa
versión impresa ISSN 0100-1574
GOLDBERG, Maria Amélia Azevêdo et al. Conceptions about woman's role in labour politics and family. Cad. Pesqui. [online]. 1975, n.15, pp.86-123. ISSN 0100-1574.
The research's aims was to analyse the content of descriptive and normative conceptions about woman's role in labour, politics, family and to investigate some of their determinants. The subjects were 582 male and female candidates to universitary courses (6% of the whole students' population that were enrolled in preparatory courses to universitary level of studies in the city of São Paulo, 1968). The instrument was a questionnaire with 59 itens. X 2 and "cluster analysis" were the statistics employed. The results showed that: a) the descriptive conceptions about woman's role are basically traditional in content ("prejudiced"); b) the normative conceptions are traditional about labour woman's role and modern ("non-prejudiced") about family and politics woman's role; c) normative conceptions about labour woman's role are related to normative conceptions about politics woman's role; d) sex and socio-economic origin are clearly associated to the conceptions about social woman's role. The conceptions of female subjects were more modern than the conceptions of male subjects. Also, the frequency of modern answer was progressively smaller from high to low socio-economic level. The results indicate the necessity of educational programs to modify the prejudiced conceptions about woman's role because they may hinder a policy of socio-economic and cultural liberation of the Brazilian women.
Palabras clave : Trabalho; Famílias; Mulheres na política.