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vol.40 número2Tecnologías digitales en las fronteras del conocimiento: la interrelación educación-cultura en la ensenãnza superior índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Inter Ação

versión impresa ISSN 0101-7136


ROSA, Valdir. Inquiries and prospects for web-curriculum change. Rev. Inter Ação [online]. 2015, vol.40, n.2, pp.405-417. ISSN 0101-7136.

This article presents reflections on the integration of technology into the curriculum from the curricular concepts and theories and the pursuit of understanding the meanings of terms such as integrating and innovating, in order to broaden the discussion and it is directed to achieve a web-curriculum. Note also that to achieve this goal, government investment it is needed in two areas: the technological infrastructure of schools and adequate teacher training. However, it points out that for proper training, it must be based on the three levels of knowledge (pedagogical, technological and content) and critical theories and post-curriculum criticism.

Palabras clave : Web-Curriculum; Curriculum Theories; Integration; Technologies.

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