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vol.55 número45La autonomía de la Educación Superior en Portugal entre la ley y la practica - estudio de casos múltiples índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Educação em Questão

versión impresa ISSN 0102-7735versión On-line ISSN 1981-1802


SOCORRO, Paulina Elena Villasmil; SANTOS, Arlete Ramos dos  y  NUNES, Claudio Pinto. Educational public policies in Latin America: the Brazilian and Venezuelan context. Rev. Educ. Questão [online]. 2017, vol.55, n.45, pp.12-41. ISSN 1981-1802.

This paper analyzes the future of educational policies in the context of Latin America with emphasis on Brazil and Venezuela. It reflects on the relation between the process of imperialist expansion and its constitutional of an unequal society. In the course of this process, educational systems are configured to the extent of the mercantilist model, taking out the content of its social function and generating, then, the phenomenon of exclusion and segregation. This analysis takes as a framework the development of public policies that have been implemented in Brazil and Venezuela since the twentieth century until now, their historical context, their profits, contradictions and the challenges still to be faced from the point of view of teacher training and the pedagogical practice itself.

Palabras clave : Educational policies; Teaching work; Emancipatory pedagogy.

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