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versión impresa ISSN 0104-4060
MASINI, Elcie Aparecida Fortes Salzano. An experience with inclusion: requirements and results. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2004, n.23, pp.29-43. ISSN 0104-4060.
This article discusses inclusion of students with visual impairment in a public school of São Bernardo do Campo, State of São Paulo (Brazil). It reports an experience of inclusion of visual impaired students which was planned and organized with the objective of collecting and systematizing data about the conditions and resources that facilitate inclusion. It outlines three phases of development of the experience: a) preliminary; b) organization and installation; c) functioning. An analysis of the data shows: that the participants gained knowledge and confidence about how to relate to children with visual impairment, so that they could participate and contribute with their knowledge and abilities. This analysis also revealed limits and the need for continuity to achieve effectiveness of scholastic inclusion.
Palabras clave : Scholastic Inclusion; Visual Impairment; Impaired Student in Regular School.