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MATISKEI, Angelina Carmela Romão Mattar. Public policies of educational inclusion: challenges and perspectives. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2004, n.23, pp.185-202. ISSN 0104-4060.

The purpose of this work is to incite the current debate concerning the social movements in behalf of educational inclusion of students with special educational needs, pointing out the role of the State, with prominence to the state Education Bureau, in the implementation of public policies, in this context. The State is responsible for the task of searching for new ways to surpass some of the obstacles in social scope, which turns the excluded groups far from the access to goods and services especially in the task of educational inclusion, the right to education. For that we present the main educational trends in relation to a new meaning of Special Education, in the historical context of social inclusion and implemented actions made by the Special Education Department, to promote social rights to students who have special educational needs. Considering that the terminology “Special Educational Needs” has a large scope and suggests that the majority of students are contemplated in that, we present a brief exposition about the conception of special educational needs adopted by the State Education Bureau/Special Education Department, aiming at proposing policies and defining the students group that is the purpose of this action. Our goal is to develop and to implement public policies, aiming at the respect for the differences and the commitment to the promotion of human rights.

Palabras clave : Special Education; Public Policies; Educational Inclusion.

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