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 número62Produção escrita de narrativas: influência de condições de solicitaçãoA revisão textual na perspectiva de professoras do ensino fundamental índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0104-4060versión On-line ISSN 1984-0411


PINHEIRO, Luciana Ribeiro  y  GUIMARAES, Sandra Regina Kirchner. Metatextual knowledge development and its expression in the production of opinion writing. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2016, n.62, pp.87-106. ISSN 1984-0411.

The article shows and discusses data from the improvement of the writing ability based on reflections about the learning of argumentative language and its specificities. This study performed an interventional research to develop the ability to handle linguistic features of argumentation consciously (argumentative operators and organizing operators). Participants were 18 elementary school students from a public school enrolled at the 5th grade. The writing ability of the students was analyzed based on two main aspects: a) The association between the linguistic competence concerning coherence and cohesion and the improvement of the writing ability; b) The acquisition of the typological specificities regarding argumentative writing. According to the results, the decision to use the elements of an opinion text (argument, counterargument, response) is not the only factor that guides the process of producing a text. In addition, another important element highlighted in the process of producing a text is related to the theme and how it is presented to the students. Thus, it was found that the text is better developed when the theme enables a space for negotiating the divergences during the process of producing a text. However, didactic interventions provide the means for students to reflect about the elements of the "argumentative structure", resulting in the improvement of metatextual knowledge and a better capacity with regard to the production of this type of text.

Palabras clave : metatextual knowledge; argumentative writing; opinion text.

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