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vol.34 número70Feminização do magistério e masculinização do comando educacional: estudos no Teachers College da Universidade de Columbia (1927-1935)Maria Neli Sobreira: história e memória da educação em Juazeiro do Norte índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0104-4060versión On-line ISSN 1984-0411


SILVA, Joselina da  y  EUCLIDES, Maria Simone. Talking about gender, race and education: trajectories of black female doctor professors from public universities of the states of Ceará and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Educ. Rev. [online]. 2018, vol.34, n.70, pp.51-66. ISSN 1984-0411.

This article aims to discuss institutional racism and the performance of black female professors in public universities in the states of Ceará and Rio de Janeiro. We try to equalize and qualify a debate that is still difficult nowadays; namely, practices of racism and sexism in public institutions. Therefore, we adopted as methodological proposal the realization of semi-structured interviews with female doctors who have declared themselves black. The reports clarify the persistence of racism and its insults to teaching careers, while also demonstrating the activism and the collective actions of confrontation adopted by each professor interviewed in this research.

Palabras clave : Institutional racism; Black female professors; Public universities..

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