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vol.22 número3Frequência de Ações Motoras em Crianças com Baixa Visão e Visão Normal ao Explorar Cubos com e sem Estímulos VisuaisReconfiguração da Educação Especial: Análise da Constituição de um Centro de Atendimento Educacional Especializado índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial

versión impresa ISSN 1413-6538versión On-line ISSN 1980-5470


CIANTELLI, Ana Paula Camilo  y  LEITE, Lúcia Pereira. Actions Taken by Accessibility Centers in Brazilian Federal Universities. Rev. bras. educ. espec. [online]. 2016, vol.22, n.3, pp.413-428. ISSN 1980-5470.

Access to Higher Education is an ever growing reality in our country, attracting attention from researchers of the field. Programa Incluir - Acessibilidade na Educação Superior [Program Inclusion - Accessibility in Higher Education], created in 2005, aims at promoting the development of institutional accessibility measures in Federal Institutions of Higher Education (FIHE) in order to achieve full academic development of students with disabilities and/or with reduced mobility. The objective of this research is to present an overview of the actions carried out by accessibility centers to ensure the participation of disabled people at FIHE. The coordinators involved with the accessibility centers of FIHE which received benefits from the Programa Incluir in 2013 participated in this research, and were asked to respond to an online questionnaire, using Google Docs. The answers were categorized essentially in the analysis topics: physical structure; human structure; technical help. The accessibility conditions in the architectural, communicational, programmatic, instrumental, methodological, and attitudinal aspects were identified. It was possible to determine which measures are being taken by those accessibility centers and/or committees and, also, the barriers to be overcome so that disabled students are able to participate more actively in the academic context and successfully conclude their studies.

Palabras clave : Special Education; Accessibility; Higher Education; Inclusion; Disabled person.

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