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vol.20 número1A evolução do ensino da pós-graduação senso estrito no Brasil: análise exploratória e proposições para pesquisaDeclaração de Bolonha e internacionalização da educação superior: protagonismo dos reitores e autonomia universitária em questão índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)

versión impresa ISSN 1414-4077


CLARO, Jose Alberto Carvalho dos Santos  y  PROFETA, Rogério Augusto. Social benefits programs for the brazilian higher education faculty as one way to achieve talent retention: an exploratory study. Avaliação [online]. 2015, vol.20, n.1, pp.189-223. ISSN 1414-4077.

This study aimed to verify what kinds of social benefits are available to the faculty members of Higher Education institutions in Brazil. Its starting point was the assumption originated from common sense which states that faculty work conditions are at the edge of poverty, once salaries are compressed, double or triple working shifts are common and teaching has become a tool for complementary income. The literature review allowed 35 types of social benefits to be identified, starting with those ensured by labor laws and going all the way through other benefits with complementary characteristics, related to the improvement of life quality at work. Data gathering was possible due to e-mails exchanged with 8952 faculty members in every region of Brazil, complemented by the snowball technique. The research form was available online. 668 answers were received and the data was analyzed by the software IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0, focusing on descriptive analysis. The results show that out of 35 social benefits identified by literature review, there are ten which are the most common (present in over 50% of the institutions) and other seven are the less offered ones (present in less than 15% of the institutions). The data allows us to conclude that the offering of social benefits does not provide significant improvements in working conditions nor the rise of talents attraction/retention when it comes to faculty.

Palabras clave : Social Benefits; High Education; Teaching; Talents..

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