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vol.13 número01A prática do nutricionista em escolas municipais do Rio de Janeiro: um espaço-tempo educativoHistoria, epistemología y didáctica de las ciencias: unas relaciones necessárias índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Ciência & Educação

versión impresa ISSN 1516-7313


PINHEIRO, Nilcéia Aparecida Maciel; SILVEIRA, Rosemari Monteiro Castilho Foggiatto  y  BAZZO, Walter Antonio. Ciência, tecnologia e sociedade: a relevância do enfoque CTS para o contexto do ensino médio. Ciência educ. [online]. 2007, vol.13, n.01, pp.71-84. ISSN 1516-7313.

We aim to highlight the importance of the STS view as a driving force of critical and reflexive questions about scientific, technological and social contexts, and also, to emphasize its relevance to High School. The STS movement has spread throughout our society and, specially, has gained more and more followers in the educational area. Inside the Guidelines Law of the National Education (LDB) proposal, designed in the National Curriculum Parameters for Secondary Education (PCNEMS), we noticed the importance of bringing the student closer to the interaction between science and technology in societal dimensions, considering their reciprocal relation, giving the students a wide and social conception of the scientific and technological context.

Palabras clave : STS; High School; Scientific and Technological Education.

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