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vol.16 número03As teorias de Lamarck e Darwin nos livros didáticos de biologia no BrasilImportância da demarcação de saberes no ensino de ciências para sociedades tradicionais índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Ciência & Educação

versión impresa ISSN 1516-7313


TEIXEIRA, Francimar Martins  y  SOBRAL, Ana Carolina Moura Bezerra. Como novos conhecimentos podem ser construídos a partir dos conhecimentos prévios: um estudo de caso. Ciência educ. [online]. 2010, vol.16, n.03, pp.667-677. ISSN 1516-7313.

This article deals with a case study about how a teacher uses previous knowledge of students to approach a new concept. To this end, sciences classes were filmed during the execution of a didactic sequence, in order to investigate how previous knowledge of the students was treated in the classroom along the approach of the theme. From these results, we saw how the teacher dealt with previous knowledge of their students. We identified that there were occasions when she considered them and others in which she disregarded them. Although they are antagonistic actions, both the facts, to consider or to dismiss, have in common the search for keeping the focus on the concepts, defined by the teacher as those that should be the object of attention for the students.

Palabras clave : Previous Knowledge; Teaching Sciences; Strategies to Teaching.

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