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Educação e Pesquisa

versión impresa ISSN 1517-9702versión On-line ISSN 1678-4634


ROCHA, Ana Angelita  y  MEDEIROS, Ricardo Scofano. Curriculum and space – a conversation to be done?. Educ. Pesqui. [online]. 2020, vol.46, e219733.  Epub 01-Sep-2020. ISSN 1678-4634.

The following pages attempt a cartography (multiple, as inspired by Doreen Massey (2004) and Deleuze; Guattari (2011)), proposing to trace possible associations between curriculum and space. The intention of this paper is to check whether the spatialization of the relationship between curriculum and knowledge matters in the field of curriculum. Such objective implies a project of questioning a supposed universal knowledge without necessarily discarding the category of knowledge as a whole. For this reason, the argument, as from curriculum and geography thinkers, allows the perception of an encounter among epistemology, ontology, and space. However, our assumption is that the field of curriculum has devoted little to the spatial debate despite it being an emerging analytical category within its studies. Although there is a reading of space thinkers, we suspect that conversations have been banned. Nevertheless, our reading allows envisioning a convergence that seems to point space as an ontological category of curriculum. Such movements were triggered by a question that leads the text to its unfolding: what can the combination of curriculum and space do?

Palabras clave : Theories of curriculum; Space; Knowledge.

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