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vol.25Tempo de travessia: narrativas da trajetória de uma professora alfabetizadoraEstudos de intervenção em consciência fonológica e dislexia: revisão sistemática da literatura índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Educação PUC-Campinas

versión impresa ISSN 1519-3993versión On-line ISSN 2318-0870


GARCIA, Mariana Guerato  y  SISLA, Heloisa Chalmers. Epilinguistic activities and pedagogical practices. Educ. Puc. [online]. 2020, vol.25, e204904. ISSN 2318-0870.

This investigation aims to identify contributions of research on epilinguistic activities and pedagogical practices, considering that the aim of teaching Portuguese language is to broaden reading comprehension and writing. The focus is directed to the early years of Elementary school. To fulfill this objective, we conducted a search of papers in different databases. Three subjects were identified: pedagogical practices observed or recommended; the position of epilinguistic activities in the teaching of Portuguese language; and different conceptions about epilinguistic activities. In the review of the study stood out pedagogical practices of writing and those of linguistic analysis, sometimes articulated, that were recommended or reported and the absence of reading epilinguistic activities was observed. Regarding the position of epilinguistic activities in pedagogical practices, the papers point out that they are still scarcely approached in the classroom and that metalinguistic activities prevail. Different conceptions and discourses about epilinguistic activities show conceptual aspects and may result in a variation in pedagogical practices.

Palabras clave : Teaching and learning of Portuguese language; Elementary school; Epilinguism.

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