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ETD Educação Temática Digital

versión On-line ISSN 1676-2592


SARAVALI, Eliane Giachetto; GUIMARAES, Karina Perez; GUIMARAES, Taislene  y  MELCHIORI, Ana Paula. Desenhos sobre aprendizagem e não aprendizagem: a construção do conhecimento social sob o enfoque piagetiano. ETD [online]. 2012, vol.14, n.02, pp.140-163. ISSN 1676-2592.

The article presents preliminary data of a survey that aimed to investigate the beliefs of children and adolescents about not learning. A total of 80 students, aged 6 to 16 years participated of the study. Among the participants, 20 are 6 years old, 20 are 9, 20 are 12 and 20 are 16 years old. As methodological tool, it was asked the participants to draw a person that learns and another one that doesn’t learn. Data was analyzed according to the Piagetian perspective for the construction of social knowledge. The main results indicate that a significant part of the participants tend to blame the students for the result of no learning. This indicates that students are able to consider the amplitude of different dimensions of social phenomena only partially. When considering the level of understanding of social reality, it was observed that, even at older ages, participants have a very basic notion of the social world.

Palabras clave : Social Knowledge; Piagetian Theory; Learning; Evolutionary Study.

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