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vol.14 número1Educação Integral, tempo integral e Paulo Freire: os desafios da articulação conhecimento-tempo-territórioParticipação e autonomia na gestão como referência para reiventar a teoria freireana na educação pública índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista e-Curriculum

versión impresa ISSN 1809-3876versión On-line ISSN 1809-3876


AGUIAR, Denise Regina da Costa. The knowledge state on scholar progressions and learning cycles: contributions of Paulo Freire’s legacy. e-Curriculum [online]. 2016, vol.14, n.1, pp.108-126. ISSN 1809-3876.

This article aims to contribute to advance academic production on The Knowledge State about Scholar Progressions and Learning Cycles, according to Paulo Freire’s perspective, expending and updating the researches concerning to this issue. The following productions were used in this study as a reference to be investigated: the final report on The Knowledge State about Scholar Progressions and Learning Cycles, published by MEC/INEP, for the period 1990-2002, theses and dissertations about this subject area produced between 2003- 2012. Studies has showed that the curricular structure organized in cycles, according to a critical and emancipatory perspective in which Paulo Freire's thought is the fundamental basis, has a better possibility to lead to a radical and structural change in school. It breaks with the school's structure hegemonic, elitist and excluding. The curricular structure in cycles in accordance with Paulo Freire's paradigm suggests a critical what to do, different and criative to the school life, starting from flexibility, continuity and curricular articulation of the collaborative work, respect to the rhythm and the know and the diversity and the life experience of each educating person. It conceives him as a social and historical person in the process of the knowledge’s construction and reconstruction. In this perspective, the curricular structure organized in cycles is embedded with the democratization of education and the construction of a popular democratic public school with a social quality. It has as a wish do change the oppressive reality and constructing a fairest society.

Palabras clave : Curriculum; Cycles; Paulo Freire.

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