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versión On-line ISSN 1981-2582


MARCOS, Alfredo. Aprender haciendo: paideia y phronesis en Aristóteles. Educação. Porto Alegre [online]. 2011, vol.34, n.01, pp.13-24. ISSN 1981-2582.

It is commonly believed that the education system presents deep problems in many places around the world. In part, the shortcomings of the contemporary paideia are due to the lack of clarity in its objectives, as well as to the lack of foundation and functionality of their values. In this paper we study the possible contribution of the Aristotelian tradition to overcome these shortcomings. In order to answer this question, we bring here some of the writings of Aristotle and neo-Aristotelian contemporaries thinkers, such as Alasdair MacIntyre, Hans Jonas, Amartya Sen and Pierre Aubenque. The conclusion is that the Aristotelian tradition can help us indeed in identifying the proper purposes of education. For this task, the Aristotelian concepts of human nature, function of human being and happiness are very valuable. At the same time, we find in the Aristotelian tradition sound arguments to found the values. Finally, we defend here the proposal of some sort of virtues education, along with values education, with special emphasis on the virtue of phronesis.

Palabras clave : Virtues Education; Values Education; Prudence; Happiness; Human Nature; Aristotle.

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