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vol.28 número03Recursos humanos, financeiros e materiais de atletas de basquetebol nas categorias de base e a percepção dos treinadores sobre a formação dos atletasCore y sistema de control neuro-motor: mecanismos básicos para la estabilidad del raquis lumbar índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Brasileira de Educação Física e Esporte

versión On-line ISSN 1981-4690


SOUSA, Nilza Coqueiro Pires de; HUNGER, Dagmar Aparecida Cynthia França  y  CARAMASCHI, Sandro. O ensino da dança na escola na ótica dos professores de Educação Física e de Arte. Rev. Bras. Educ. Fís. Esporte [online]. 2014, vol.28, n.03, pp.505-520. ISSN 1981-4690.

The aim of this descriptive study, qualitative and quantitative in nature, was to analyze whether the content is broken down on the dance Political Pedagogical Project (PPP) in the Schools; presents itself as teaching dance classes in Physical Education and Art, which the teachers’ knowledge of content in dance recommended National Curriculum, where importance is given to teaching dance at school and what are its limits. It was used a questionnaire with open and closed issues for sixty-four effective teachers of art and physical education of the public State and municipal network of a city in the State of São Paulo in Brazil. In summary, it was found that these teachers do not have an effective and collective participation during the process of construction of the PPP education; they know, but apply very little and with restrictions on the contents of dance suggested by PCN’s of their respective disciplines, are basically relegated to the festivities school and dance are the difficulties faced by many teachers in the school dance. We conclude as necessary to unite and integrate these educators in favor of contents school dance, so she effectively occupy its space in Physical Education classes and Art.

Palabras clave : Dance; Pedagogical Political Project; National Curriculum; Physical Education; Arts.

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