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vol.23 número68DIVERSIDAD EN EL PLAN DE ESTUDIOS ESCOLAR: perspectivas de las profesoras de la enseñanza básica(IN)DISCIPLINA Y VISIBILIDAD: consideraciones sobre tensiones y ambigüedades en la escuela índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Teias

versión impresa ISSN 1518-5370versión On-line ISSN 1982-0305


MONTI, Ednardo Monteiro Gonzaga do  y  CARVALHO, Gislene Danielle de. CONDUCTOR AURÉLIO MELO: training, cultural mediation and travel in Northeast Brazil. Revista Teias [online]. 2022, vol.23, n.68, pp.161-175.  Epub 13-Feb-2023. ISSN 1982-0305.

This article proposes a discussion on the educational background and career trajectory of the orchestra conductor Aurélio Melo and its unfolding in actions of cultural mediation in the Northeast region of Brazil. Reflections on cultural mediation in accord with Gomes and Hansen (2016), and conceptions of Bourdieu (1989, 2004, 2006) concerning social, cultural, and symbolic capital are mobilized. The documentary sources were searched in the collection of the Federal University of Piauí's Choir and articulated with the (auto)biographical narrative of the individual focused in the research. Initially, the musical development and the career trajectory of the artist are approached. After that, the paper presents three projects led by the conductor that occurred between years of 1993 and 2012, in which it was possible to perceive some characteristics of his mediation, such as the formation of an auditorium by means of a repertoire mixing scholarly and popular music.

Palabras clave : cultural mediation; music; (auto) biographical narrative.

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