Servicios Personalizados
Revista Teias
versión impresa ISSN 1518-5370versión On-line ISSN 1982-0305
RUSSO, Kelly; MENDES, Leila y MARCELINO, Sandra. I LEARNED WHAT RACISM IS IN BRAZIL”: African and brazilian children in a school public. Revista Teias [online]. 2022, vol.23, n.69, pp.19-34. Epub 28-Feb-2023. ISSN 1982-0305.
This article presents the results of a research carried out between 2018 and 2020, on the process of including children in immigration and/or refugee situations in public schools in the Baixada Fluminense. From a case study carried out in a municipal school in Duque de Caxias, we reflect on the different perceptions of children on topics such as cultural differences, challenges for integration into Brazilian society and ethnicracial relations in the school routine from the holding of pedagogical workshops involving Brazilian, Congolese and Angolan children participating in the project.
Palabras clave : immigration and refuge; inclusion; ethnic-racial relations; fundamental education..