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vol.23 número69ENTRE PEDAGOGÍAS Y SABERES “OTROS”: aportes de la interculturalidad al derecho a la educación de migrantes en BrasilCONSTRUYENDO UNA UNIVERSIDAD INTERNACIONALIZADA: un estudio sobre la permanencia de los estudiantes en la Universidad para la Integración Internacional de la Lusofonía Afro-Brasileña (UNILAB) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Teias

versión impresa ISSN 1518-5370versión On-line ISSN 1982-0305


LUZ, Suellen Ferreira  y  SILVA, Rodrigo Lages e. WELCOMING REFUGEE STUDENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION THROUGH THERAPEUTIC ACCOMPANIMENT: learning about “co-motions”. Revista Teias [online]. 2022, vol.23, n.69, pp.194-203.  Epub 28-Feb-2023. ISSN 1982-0305.

We present the results of a research that aimed the educational reception of students in a situation of refuge at undergraduate level in a Federal Institution of Education during the pandemic period. Therefore, we made bridges between mental health and education, bearing in mind that health and learning have become inseparable in the reception processes. The methodology was characterized as research-intervention and had as a tool the Therapeutic Accompaniment (TA), through which a porous clinical practice was constituted, composed by the polyphony of voices that emerged in the encounter with the students. We focus our debate on the concept of "co-motions" as an ethical principle in order to transversalize mental health and education in the direction of a well-being thought of as responsibility for common life. In the discussion of results we highlight the counter-ethnographic perception of the encounter with refugee students and the polyphonic notion that emerged from that experience.

Palabras clave : refugee reception; therapeutic accompaniment; higher education..

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