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vol.25 número76EDUCACIÓN DE VACUNA EN LA ENSEÑANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS: análisis de los libros de texto de los proyectos integradores de la nueva escuela secundariaLA INVESTIGACIÓN COMO PRINCIPIO PEDAGÓGICO, LA JUVENTUD Y LAS PLURALIDADES: lentes para una crítica a la estandarización curricular de la Educación Secundaria en el contexto de la Ley 13.415/2017 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Teias

versión impresa ISSN 1518-5370versión On-line ISSN 1982-0305


BOTO, Carlota; GIARDINO, Júlia  y  FERRERO, Tiziana. EDUCATE FOR THE PROGRESS OF THE NATION: excerpts from Portuguese language textbooks for primary and secondary education in Brazil (1930-1971). Revista Teias [online]. 2024, vol.25, n.76, pp.267-279.  Epub 07-Mar-2024. ISSN 1982-0305.

This article aims to investigate the purposes of the school subject Portuguese between 1930 and 1971 in Brazil, based on textbooks analysis. We seek to carry out a periodization directly inscribed in the history of Brazilian education. The starting point is 1930, in which the Ministry of Education and Public Health was created, and an increased state control over education and production of textbooks was perceived. The Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education (Law nº 5.692/1971) is the end point of this study, because it caused significant changes in Brazilian education. Through the lens of cultural-historical theory, an attempt was made to shed light on the contents of Portuguese textbooks for primary and secondary education, revealing similarities among the two education levels. Available at the Biblioteca do Livro Didático of the Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo, the documents provided relevant traces of the practices in the classroom, partially clarifying the social, historical, and pedagogical context of the period in question. We conclude that the teaching of the mother tongue, within the schooling process, was thought of and mobilized as an ally to a civilizing project that intended to inculcate certain values and behaviors considered essential to the nation.

Palabras clave : school disciplines; portuguese; textbook; civilization project.

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