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vol.30 número59A invisibilidade da filosofia africana no discurso acadêmico brasileiroUnamuno: la universidad y la autonomía universitaria índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Educação e Filosofia

versión impresa ISSN 0102-6801versión On-line ISSN 1982-596x


PRADO, Germano Nogueira. Notes for a pedagogy of singularity. Educação e Filosofia [online]. 2016, vol.30, n.59, pp.425-446. ISSN 1982-596x.

The work aims to think a singularity's pedagogy. It has four sections and one addendum. The first section does a synthetic characterization of the traditional model of education from the concepts of transmission, inequality and control, indicating how the "abstract universality" of knowledge doesn't go with an education that wants to be democratic. The second begins with the (common) idea of democracy as "government of everybody" and pass through the comprehension of the power in a democratic regime as of everybody and nobody (as place of any- and everyone) to arrive at the singularity's idea. The third describes the singularity as ground and sense of democracy. The fourth extracts some consequences from the idea of singularity for the education, opposing community to transmission, equality to inequality, risk to control, "concrete universality" of thought to "abstract universality" of knowledge. The addendum sketches the application of singularity's pedagogy in the class(room)'s limits.

Palabras clave : Pedagogy; Singularity; Democracy.

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