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vol.10 número2Políticas públicas em educação do campo: Pronera, Procampo e PronacampoO número negativo na proposição de ensino davydoviana: necessidades para a sua introdução índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Eletrônica de Educação

versión On-line ISSN 1982-7199


PALANCH, Wagner Barbosa de Lima  y  MANRIQUE, Ana Lúcia. Collaborative actions University - school: mathematics teachers training in collaborative contexts. Rev. Elet. Educ. [online]. 2016, vol.10, n.2, pp.188-202. ISSN 1982-7199.

In this paper, we aim to analyze learning contexts propitiated by a university-school collaboration project, which can benefit and enhance the reflection on knowledge built from training and teaching activities, composed of undergraduates and mathematics teachers. To develop the research, it was chosen a collaborative space called Curricular Activity of Integration between Education, Research and Extension (ACIEPE) offered by Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil. 11 students from this ACIEPE have participated in the research, five were undergraduate students in education, two in mathematics, three teachers of early years of Sorocaba Municipal schools and one mathematics teacher of Sorocaba state school. The data production was based on field observations, audio recordings and interviews performed with the study participants. The paper’s theoretical foundation are the studies of Day, Foerste and Hargreaves on collaborative groups, which made it possible to identify that these spaces contribute to the teacher training process, since it promotes group discussions, personal reflection, appropriation and development of critical elements, thus enabling the constitution of the participants’ teaching identity participants. In addition, it facilitated to give more attention to working conditions and learning opportunities in the workplace - the school - and in the training space - the university.

Palabras clave : Collaborative Spaces; Teacher Education; Teaching Mathematics; Teachers..

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