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vol.19 número1El aprendizaje de la lectura y de la escritura entre negras y negros esclavizados en Brasil: las variadas historias de los “sin archivos”“A Sociedade de Instrução e Beneficência A Voz do Operário” Otra forma de hacer política: sobre la reforma de los servicios escolares (1924-1935) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Cadernos de História da Educação

versión On-line ISSN 1982-7806

Cad. Hist. Educ. vol.19 no.1 Uberlândia ene./abr 2020  Epub 30-Mar-2020 


Paraná-Norte newspaper: education in the city of Londrina (1934-1953)1

1Universidade Estadual de Londrina (Brasil)

2Universidade Estadual de Londrina (Brasil)


The research was about the education news published in the Paraná-Norte newspaper. This was produced by agents located in the Municipality of Londrina of the State of Paraná. It was an organ linked to the Companhia de Terras Norte do Paraná (CTNP) and was connected to the political, cultural and economic demands of the locality in urbanization. The central question of the research was: what were the educational news propagated by the Paraná-Norte newspaper (1934-1953)? General objective was to present and describe the news about education in the city of Londrina, according to the Paraná-Norte. We take as methodological references the studies on history and journalism and on the history of education in the city from the non-pedagogical press. Thus we discuss the constitution of the print and the city, as the printed portrayed education in Londrina. As a result we are dealing with the ethnic, public and private school institutions present in Londrina.

Keywords: Press; City; School Institution


A pesquisa foi sobre as notícias de educação publicadas no jornal Paraná-Norte. Este era produzido por agentes localizados no Município de Londrina do Estado do Paraná. Ele era um órgão vinculado à Companhia de Terras Norte do Paraná (CTNP) e estava ligado às demandas políticas, culturais e econômicas da localidade em urbanização. A pergunta central da pesquisa foi: quais foram as notícias de educação propagadas pelo jornal Paraná-Norte (1934-1953)? Objetivo geral consistiu em apresentar e descrever as notícias sobre educação na cidade de Londrina, segundo o Paraná-Norte. Tomamos como referências metodológicas os estudos sobre história e periodismo e sobre história da educação na cidade a partir da imprensa não pedagógica. Assim discorremos sobre a constituição do impresso e da cidade, como o impresso retratou a educação em Londrina. Como resultado versamos sobre as instituições escolares étnicas, públicas e particulares presentes em Londrina.

Palavras-chave: Imprensa; Cidade; Instituição Escolar


La investigación fue sobre las noticias de educación publicadas en el diario Paraná-Norte. Este era producido por agentes localizados en el Municipio de Londrina del Estado de Paraná. Él era un órgano vinculado a la Compañía de Tierras Norte de Paraná (CTNP) y estaba ligado a las demandas políticas, culturales y económicas de la localidad en urbanización. La pregunta central de la investigación fue: ¿cuáles fueron las noticias de educación propagadas por el diario Paraná-Norte (1934-1953)? El objetivo general consistió en presentar y describir las noticias sobre educación en la ciudad de Londrina, según el Paraná-Norte. Tomamos como referencias metodológicas los estudios sobre historia y periodismo y sobre historia de la educación en la ciudad a partir de la prensa no pedagógica. Así discordamos sobre la constitución del impreso y de la ciudad, como el impreso retrató la educación en Londrina. Como resultado versamos sobre las instituciones escolares étnicas, públicas y particulares presentes en Londrina.

Palabras-clave: Prensa; Ciudad; Institución Escolar


Current paper deals with the theme of education as broadcasted in a newspaper published in the town of Londrina, state of Paraná, Brazil, between 1934 and 1953. The present city of Londrina, politically emancipated on December 10, 1934, lies in the northern region of the state of Paraná, and was christened by the Companhia de Terras Norte do Paraná (CTNP). Its name, constantly reified within official discourse as homage to London, UK, means “Little London” or “The Daughter of London” (STECA; FLORES, 2002). According to these authors, the CTNP was a British establishment which invested in propaganda abroad to attract people, who were interested in buying plots of land in a region full of opportunities due to its fertile soil, and plant coffee shrubs, an international commodity.

The CTNP made use of the written press, especially the newspaper Paraná-Norte, so that it may forward the town as a highly prosperous place for possible settlers interested in buying plots of land in the region. Such inference triggers an investigation to detect whether news on Education, published by the newspaper Paraná-Norte (1934-1953), were also liable to broadcast Londrina as an attractive place for settlers. Although there was an economic interest in the commercialization of fertile lands in the ‘New Eldorado’ and in the ‘New Promised Land’, we may hypothesize that educational issues may also reveal further dimensions within the process of the constitution of modes of being and living of people in Londrina. The newspaper was one of the first social media to be published in Londrina. Its first issues were printed in October 1934, on the eve of the town´s emancipation as a municipality. Besides the local educational issues, we have identified relationships, forwarded in the newspaper, on educational ideals within micro and macro (state and national) conditions.

For many years, the newspaper Paraná-Norte was a politically acknowledged social medium that provided visibility, a form of public expression, a witness of the dynamics of the town´s lifestyle and a powerful tool in opinion formation. As one of the main vectors of social communication between 1934 and 1953, it strengthened the stance of printed matter as a historical source. In its pages, the newspaper presented several themes within the political, economic, cultural and social framework. Our research focuses on Education since it is a rare theme in investigations based on the newspaper Paraná-Norte (CESÁRIO, 1986; ARIAS NETO, 1998; BONI, 2004; CAPELO, 2013; KOMARCHESQUI, 2013; BARION, 2014).

Our research is based on the following issue: which were the educational news published by the newspaper Paraná-Norte (1934-1953)? Historical periodization ranges between 1934, the start of the newspaper, and the last quarter of 1953, its last issues. During this period, the town established itself as a politically municipal structure and experienced the settlement process involving immigrants and urbanization, reaching its peak in the 1950s, characterized by the economy and culture of people involved in the production of coffee.

Current research´s main aim is to present and interpret news on Education in Londrina, according to the newspaper Paraná-Norte (1934-1953). Specific aims involve the identification, selection, cataloging and description of news published in the newspaper Paraná-Norte and the forwarding of school institutions in Londrina broadcasted in the town within its formation process. A methodological pathway was thus required to comprehend the newspaper as a historical document not merely with the identification of the news contents and its materiality but also the interpretation of its articulations and positioning which revealed the social, political and cultural development of the agents. Our research will be based on Cruz & Peixoto (2007) and Luca (2008) as references. Current research will consist of four stages: (1) the places where issues of the newspaper Paraná-Norte are currently conditioned, or rather, the Historical Documentation and Research Nucleus (NDPH) of the State University of Londrina (UEL) and in the Historical Museum of Londrina ‘Padre Carlos Weiss’; (2) full reading of each issue to identify and select news related to Education; (3) cataloging news previously selected, on an Excel chart, with 831 registers, featuring the following indexes: title of the newspaper, site of source, date, edition, page, title of section, title of news, author of the news, summary, agents quoted, schools, laws/decrees, iconography, legibility, owners of the newspaper, materiality, price, circulation; (4) news previously cataloged are described and one category is selected: the government-run, private and ethnic schooling institutions of Londrina.

Schooling institutions are considered a potential historiographical category within the renewal of the history of Brazilian education (GATTI JUNIOR, 2002). They trigger historical research focused on the relationship between the universal and the particular. Magalhães (2004) proposes possibilities in the analyses (time, space, curriculum, pedagogical models, teachers, students, handbooks, cultural and political dimensions and others) of educational institutions, with an approach to a cross between the macro-, meso- and micro-historical planes. The historical reality of institutions is composed of wider frameworks within the educational system and implies the configuration of groups, communities, places, territories, regions and nations. School institutions are a category for historiographical analysis to be investigated through multiple narratives and narrators, material and immaterial sources.

It should be highlighted that there has been an increase in the number of research works on the history of Education that employ newspapers as an empirical source. A newspaper provides several subject matters, widens discussions and allows interdisciplinary articulations involving culture, economy and politics within the educational field. It is also a memory tool when produced with the aim to reveal the day-to-day reality of people within space and time, evidently from the point of view of those who write the editorials and articles.

We identified two movements within the History of Education with regard to academic publications. The first movement comprises researchers who study pedagogical printed matter within education, such as Nóvoa (1997), Catani & Bastos (1997), Nery (2009) and others. The second movement is made up of researchers that employ general printed matter on several issues and relate them to education, such as Araújo (2002), Bontempi (2004), Carvalho (2007), Campos (2012), Pinto (2013) and others. Since our research comprises the newspaper Paraná-Norte, it may be placed within the second movement, or rather, non-pedagogical publication.

Further, researchers have tackled themes retrieved from and found within written articles, among which may be mentioned Education in cities and states. For instance, doctoral and master´s theses may be identified on the site of the Digital Library Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), published between 2010 and 20162, referenced under the triple theme - press, city and education: Sant’Ana (2010), Souza (2010), Cavalcante (2016). The set of publications has provided the identification of the following themes within a research on press-City Education: press proposals for education in the municipality; expansion and organization of teaching in the city; education of habits for all types of urban styles.

Through a bibliographical survey, we perceived that the newspaper Paraná-Norte is somewhat different from the newspapers forwarded in the above-mentioned newspapers since it aimed to broadcast the town of Londrina, which was still being built, its plots of land on sale, whilst linked to a housing project, the CTNP. Research on educational occurrences within a town through a newspaper, Paraná-Norte, was somewhat baffling due to the several themes to be approached, the diversity of social agents in the city story and the interlocutors within the understanding of the educational process in the interdependence of the urbanization process. In current paper, these challenges are provided within three topics.

The newspaper Paraná-Norte in Londrina

The Paraná-Norte was a newspaper published between 1934 and 1953 in Londrina, a town in the northern region of the state of Paraná, Brazil. The newspaper was one of the structuring features of the town, with strong relationships with the CTNP. A brief summary of the historical process constituting the town will clarify events. Based on Capelo (2013), we may detect certain factors that contributed towards the arrival of immigrants in the northern region of the state of Paraná. The end of the Great War was a period in which Europe reorganized itself and the hegemony of the USA was consolidated. The 1929 crisis cracked world economy and caused serious consequences felt in Brazil, such as the prohibition to plant coffee shrubs in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais during the Getulio Vargas administration (called the New State). The state of Paraná was free from the prohibition since the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais had the coffee monopoly. The state of Paraná was deeply in debt and, as a consequence, 6% of the territory of the state of Paraná, in the northern section of the state, was given to the Rothschilds to redeem the external debt (JOFFILY, 1985). The region where Londrina would be established was part and parcel of this territory. According to Arias Neto (1998, p. 4), “the Companhia de Terras Norte do Paraná (CTNP), a subsection of the Paraná Syndicate, established in London, acquired, in 1925-1927, an area of 515,000 acres of land”. According to Leme (2009), after acquiring the land, the CTNP´s interests focused on the implantation of a settlement plan and on the profit in the selling of plots. Small plantations were a priority, coupled to the foundation of townships, distant some 100 km from one another, and small urban nuclei situated some 15 km apart for the supply of rural populations.

The township model was elaborated by the CTNP, owned by a British group that bought land in the northern region of the state of Paraná as part of debt redeeming. Prior to these facts, the region was a huge forest inhabited by indigenous natives, mixed-race peoples and squatters (LEME, 2009). Later facts conflict the traditional memory that the lands were settled by foreigners, especially by the British of the CTNP.

The establishment of CTNP members provided constructions that changed the landscape. In fact, the CTNP conceived the region with the European model of garden-cities. The main towns were organized in street-grids, with a linear transposition of models and a spatial distribution that lacked, “different from the small farm, concern with communication paths - especially the strategic localization of the urban railway - and the control of population density conceived for Londrina by the CTNP” (LEME, 2009, p. 19).

At the beginning of the 1930s, one of the first social communication vectors was produced in the town, namely the newspaper Paraná-Norte. Its first issue was published on October 9, 1934. The newspaper published several themes involving the CTNP and o its interests in broadcasting the “new promised land”, with highly fertile agricultural plots. According to Boni (2004), the CTNP´s interests in the newspaper´s foundation went beyond mere propaganda on fertile lands. It also wanted to influence the population on economic and political trends. Due to its publicity, economic and political stances, the CTNP was greatly responsible for the birth of the newspaper Paraná-Norte. For more than a year, many CTNP agents were planning the publication of the newspaper and were keen in establishing conditions for the first issues. Other people in the town were interested in a newspaper since they conceived it as a tool for vindications and debates (BONI, 2004, p. 234).

According to Komarchesqui (2013), the first issues of the newspaper boasted of highly productive plots of land and Londrina´s incipient urbanization. There was frequent news on the quality of agriculture and the culture of cotton, rice, coffee, beans, maize, fruits and vegetables. News on local commerce, such as lumber, a great generator of employment and building, was also abundant. Advertisements reveal that in the 1930s the economic focus was not limited to coffee plantations (Arias Neto, 1998).

In the 1930s, the newspaper Paraná-Norte advertised the town´s development and infrastructure processes, featuring opening of streets, squares, water supply, electric energy and communications (BONI, 2004). The first editorial of the newspaper Paraná-Norte, born some days before the installation of the municipal government of Londrina, said:

[...] that the six-page “unpretentious weekly newspaper” is asking the support of the region´s inhabitants to “advertise the richness, found in the unequal fertility of its soil”, and to praise “the grandeur of this piece of land within the American continent, where several types of people mix in harmony”. Shunning all and every party-politics, the newspaper guarantees the “uninterested and straightforward support” to the “legally constituted” authorities (KOMARCHESQUI, 2013, p. 38)

According to Cesário (1986), when the first issue of the newspaper confessed not to be linked to party politics, it denominated itself political and newsmonger. The underscored harmony lay at the costs of tensions with natives peoples, mixed race populations, squatters and in the labor exploitation of social and economic less favored peopled, in the name of a model for urban progress.

The newspaper´s shape was another characteristic. Komarchesqui (2013) writes that due to lack of electricity in the 1930s, in Londrina, the newspaper Paraná-Norte was printed in the German-originated Berliner format, with pages measuring 470 x 315mm. Most editions had only four pages, excepting special issues with more pages. In the 1930s, the last pages were devoted to advertisements of the CTNP and to the selling of land plots.

One may also perceive differences in the Editorials according to changes of the editorial boards. In 1944, when Eufrosino L. Santiago was the owner and Dario Ferreira was editor-in-chief, the third page of the Paraná-Norte was dedicated to females, underscoring their tasks, such as the care of the home and of children. The page also exhibited a section For Children, dealing with their care and education. Between 1947 and 1947, the Paraná-Norte became a daily newspaper and Ruy Cunha, Edmundo Mercer Junior, José Hosken de Novaes and Ruy Ferraz de Carvalho were responsible for the printing, under the administration of Moacyr Teixeira and the superintendence of José Bonifácio e Silva. After this period, the newspaper returned to its weekly issues.

The newspaper Paraná-Norte was printed at the printing press of the pioneer Tipografia Oliveira, in pedal-operating Minerva printing press (KOMARCHESQUI, 2013). According to Leite (2014, p. 20), the sections of the newspaper were distributed as follows: “editorial, and Social Columns, sports, advertisements, letters to the Editor, and local, national and international news”. Our research shows that news on education was also advertised, although they were not restricted to a specific page or section. In fact, educational news could be found on different pages throughout the 1934-1953 period.

In 1934, the town of Londrina was politically emancipated and, in 1938, it was raised to the rank of a county (LEME, 2009). Londrina´s emancipation was greatly highlighted in the newspaper Paraná-Norte, especially with regard to its economic boom. It should also be underscored that the last page of the newspaper was frequently devoted to CTNP advertisements, with special reference to the economy. The region was called ‘the new Canaan’, ‘the new Eldorado’, ‘the new Promised Land’, ‘the place where everything flourished’ and ‘lands without the terrible devouring ants’.

If on the one hand, the Paraná-Norte advertised the CTNP when it boosted the productive and fertile plots of land and positive social occurrences, on the other hand, there was, during the period, such structural problems as lack of electricity for the general population. Lack of electricity was already an issue prior to the publication of the newspaper. Among other public works, the CTNP build a Hydraulic Electricity Plant to eliminate these difficulties. According to Boni (2004), in 1933, the crude oil HEP was installed in the currently named Parque Arthur Thomas, on the stream Cambé. “The electricity generated served only the needs of the office and of a small number of homes, mainly that of the director and the main officers. Public illumination was still not extant” (BONI, 2004, p. 75)

The trajectory and candidature of the mayor Willie Davids represent “the government´s strategy where the CTNP was the most important service provider for the population” (CESÁRIO, 1986, p. 202). During the Davids´s administration, the CTNP´s services were transferred to the municipality and, with political support, were administered at state level.

Under the Davids´s administration, Paraná-Norte highly focused the town´s infrastructure achievements, such as the installation of railways, electricity, post offices, water supply, hospitals, schools, and other issues. Several motivations for the establishment of the newspaper were due to social, economic, political and cultural issues for the promotion of the town and the region. This is the reason why the CTNP group was one of the main funders during the first years of its existence (LEITE, 2012).

Carlos de Almeida was not only the sheriff of Londrina, but also the first director of the Paraná-Norte, together with Humberto Puiggari Coutinho who, at that time, was editor-in-chief. Almeida may be considered a key link between the newspaper and the CTNP, since he was one of the financial middlemen between the newspaper and the CTNP, its great advertiser.

Since the CTNP was the main funder of the Paraná-Norte, the newspaper provided more and more space for the company´s advertisements. Consequently, the CTNP used the newspaper as a strategic channel of interaction to reach buyers, advertise its achievements within the public service and form a positive image on the style of being and living in the north of the state of Paraná, with Londrina as the main reference for a typical progressive town.

The newspaper was also a sort of morality monitor for the population. The morality stance was strongly focused on females destined for a single husband, throughout all their life. During the first years of settlement, it vectored woman´s role as “the ordering of the private and the intimate, maintaining family relationships, children´s education and sociability with neighbors” (CASTRO, 1994, p. 91). For instance, on page 3, the section Sua Página, Senhora, provided articles on the care that females should have with their families, home and children, with special reference to the education of the female in the home.

Londrina and the moralizing precepts given by the newspaper Paraná-Norte, capacitated the imagination of the population and its strength was based on the selective progressive discourse with explicit overtones. A CTNP document, titled O Norte do Paraná, published in 1941, said:


Taking Londrina as an example, we may conclude that only in very rich regions one may have fast progress. The town has beautiful streets, avenues and squares, complying with an urban program modeled on great metropolis cities […]. The population of Londrina has the same commodities as those of capital cities: pure tap water, electricity from hydraulic plants, hospitals, health resorts, abattoirs, schools, rural schools, high schools, churches, banks, cinemas, hotels, sport and social clubs and everything that makes life joyful and confortable. When one speaks of Londrina, one refers too on the north of the state of Paraná, founded by the CTNP, with a follow-up on the progress of agriculture, industry, commerce and other activities in the region, or rather, […] the towns and populations that are […] subordinated to the municipality and county of Londrina (CTNP apudARIAS NETO, 1998, p. 33-34)

According to Boni (2004), billing for the 1930s was not enough to maintain the newspaper. It was one of the motives that made Humberto Puiggari Coutinho, one of its founders and responsible for its publication during nine years, to sell the newspaper Paraná-Norte in 1943. The new owners, Eufrosino L. Santiago and Dario Ferreira (plantation owner and estate manager), modified the Paraná-Norte:

Among the changes made at the start, one may mention the removal of the traditional advertisement of the CTNP on the back cover, modifications in the newspaper´s columns and in the logo. New sections were introduced such as “Sua Página, Senhora” with a Children´s Corner. The newspaper also intended to cancel subscriptions of people who did not pay regularly. In fact, Eufrosino intended a new administration for the newspaper. (KOMARCHESQUI, 2013, p. 54)

Another factor that diminished the powerful role of the CTNP in Londrina was the removal of the mayor Willie Davids in 1940. As narrated above, Davids was closely linked to the CTNP. In fact, he was one of its directors. Davids´s political weakening was due to doubts on his Brazilian nationality, announced since 1938 by his opponent Vicente de Castro and, mainly, to the state of calamity of the road system (the lack of conservation of streets and roads), occurrences of typhoid fever and malaria and non-registered taxes. In April 1940, the Paraná-Norte, started to defend Davids under the aegis of the relationship between the municipality, the CTNP and Vargas´s New State policy. However, it proved to be insufficient to guarantee the mayor´s administration. (ARIAS NETO, 1998)

According to Cesário (1986), between 1940 and 1944, movements on the country´s political situation were rife and the population of Londrina used to go on the streets to manifest its indignation. A great deal of mayor changes occurred during the 1940s, with thirteen mayors between 1940 and 1947. Since nine were indicated by the State´s intervener, the newspaper Paraná-Norte started to highlight the Vargas Administration and used to publish positive news when a new mayor arrived.

During the period, Londrina was advertised as the World Capital of Coffee and a significant number of its population was allured by this fact. On the other hand, the advertisement Honest Young Females are Needed, published on January 8, 1939, revealed the discourse on the borderline distinction between the good and the doubtful female. A gentleman needed a young woman or an honest widow prepared for marriage, who also had to be a help in the education of his daughters. As time passed, the good Londrina family was threatened by lack of hygiene, morality and public rule, and asked the authorities to close illegal brothels. The newspaper Paraná-Norte, as the representative of local elite, was changing its discourse to mediate conflicts to build edifying moral values of an ideal model of urbanity and civility.

In 1944, the Paraná-Norte was bought by the brothers Josino Alves da Rocha Loures and João Alves da Rocha Loures and their cousin Arnaldo Camargo. They were the newspaper´s last owners, with broader perspectives, who intended to “transform it into a daily newspaper, with political aims” (TRIGUEIROS FILHO; TRIGUEIROS NETO, 1991, p. 25), due to their links with the Republican Party (PR). The testimony of Josino Alves da Rocha Loures is very relevant:

When we first acquired the newspaper, we continued to print it at the Oliveira brothers´ press. After buying new machinery, such as the Minerva Printing Press, offices on Willie Davids Square, types and other printing materials, we were unable to transform the newspaper into a daily one. Therefore, the newspaper Paraná-Norte had to support and be the basis of Hugo Cabral´s candidature for the mayor-ship of Londrina - our victorious campaign. Afterwards, due to conflict of trends and methods, we did not support him anymore. Consequently, the Paraná-Norte started to have a democratic stance in its editorials. Politically, we continued to present opinions and information. It is highly relevant to mention the friendly participation of Moacir Arco Verde, an excellent technician and writer. He provided the graphic features of the newspaper and a greater language stance in journalistic material, albeit opinion-giver from the political point of view (TRIGUEIROS FILHO; TRIGUEIROS NETO, 1991, p. 26).

Besides the expenditure difficulties in printing, the last phase of the newspaper Paraná-Norte was characterized by direct involvement in local politics for the election of the mayor. The newspaper overtly supported projects that, according to the owner´s opinion, were at the basis of Hugo Cabral´s candidature for mayor.

The last phase of the newspaper Paraná-Norte, already published sporadically, lasted until 1953, with the last issue, number 1154, published in volume 19 on September 24. Taking into consideration the history of the newspaper Paraná-Norte (1934-1953), characterized mainly by its links with the CTNP, with municipal political conflicts and with occurrences in Londrina and the region, the newspaper may be a significant historical source of active factors involved in the settlement process, economy, politics and social life of agents with regard to a developing town. What did the newspaper Paraná-Norte say on education for Londrina between 1934 and 1953?

Education in the newspaper Paraná-Norte

The aim of current paper is to highlight Education in Londrina as presented in the newspaper Paraná-Norte (1934-1953). We developed a process for the identification, selection and cataloging of news and provided the results. Eight hundred and thirty-one educational news were published by the newspaper Paraná-Norte, featuring local, regional, state, federal and international themes. We decided to describe educational news on Londrina because of the research´s aims. They represent a larger number within a total of 768 publications in different pages of the newspaper. They were not restricted to a determined section or column.

Educational news may be grouped under 10 headings: reports, propaganda and information, festivities and commemorations, hygiene, claims, school premises, carriers, teachers, adult education, others. Themes are arranged in topics, with a quantitative distribution:

Source: Paraná-Norte (1934-1953). Graph prepared by the author.

Graph 1 Groups of themes on education in the newspaper Paraná-Norte 

Graph 1 shows the number of educational news in each group. The first thematic group consists of Reports, with twelve publications, among which may be mentioned registers on the number of schools, students in each school, and the number of teachers. There is also news praising educational representatives in the state of Paraná, namely, Manoel Ribas and the General Director of Education Hostilio Araújo for the 1930-1940 period. Some reports were presented by the Londrina administration when Willie Davids was mayor, while others were provided by the newspaper. A report prepared by the director of the Grupo Escolar Hugo Simas deals with school pupils.

Further, 290 news were detected under the Group Propaganda and Information, mostly coming from private schools, produced between 1937 and 1953. News comprised distance education by correspondence, private lessons in the town and stationery required by schools. Besides, there was information on the start of the scholastic year and on enrolment in schools.

School festivities and commemorations comprised habits and practices within the school institutions, such as commemorations of special data, children´s feasts, portraits of graduation patrons. There were other commemorations outside the school premises, such as civil pageants on festive days, children´s week, donation campaign for people during World War II and competitions for the title of the Students´ Queen. There were 79 notes published between 1937 and 1949, mostly publications by Paraná-Norte agents.

Notices on Hygiene and Health were comprised in 13 publications on food poisoning, teeth health, maternity and child protection and hygiene. As a rule, they were notes involving health and education to cope with precarious and unhealthy conditions. We should always keep in mind that during this period Londrina was in its initial urbanization phase and its social structures were wanting. These publications may be found in the printed newspaper of the 1940s.

The fifth group comprises Claims, with 28 features, mostly prepared by Paraná-Norte agents and by individuals from Londrina. Many claimed for more schools, lower enrolment fees, enlargement of school premises for a greater number of students and complaints on lack of schools and teachers. The above notes, published between 1935 and 1948, indicate serious difficulties and precariousness in schooling in Londrina.

The category School Premises comprised 127 notes on the town´s school institutions. The notes reveal the existence, construction and inauguration of ethnic schools and the collection of money for their maintenance. A single note deals with the pretense of the Ministry of Education in establishing a rural normal school in Londrina to satisfy the demands of primary ethnic schools in the countryside. There are notes on the construction and inauguration of government-run school, changes in school names and the publication of several photos of the Primary School ‘Hugo Simas’. Notes on the construction and inauguration of private schools are also extant, coupled to regularization of private schools, money collection for the construction of school premises such as the ‘Mãe de Deus’ High School. Other notes deal with the history of school institution, such as the Ginásio Londrinense. These notes were written by the staff of the newspaper Paraná-Norte.

The newspaper Paraná-Norte also forwarded school responsibilities, such as those of teachers, headmasters and federal inspectors. The category Careers comprised 37 notes, produced between 1935 and 1949, with the name of teachers, directors and federal inspectors and the schools where school agents would work.

The eighth category deals with Teachers, represented by 38 notes dealing with such themes as the prohibition of teaching by foreign teachers, teachers´ improper behavior, teachers´ affidavits, the role of the teacher in Brazilian education, homages to teachers, teachers´ association, teachers´ get-together and meetings, exemption of taxes, and the presentation of teachers to the population. The above publications were signed by the editors of the newspaper. Other articles were written by collaborators ‘Mosquito’, Leite Junior, Dalva Gomes Guimarães, Mario Pinto Serva and Almo Saturnino.

Seventy-four notes, published between 1930 and 1940, deal with Adult Education and comprised evening classes for adults in Londrina, campaign against illiteracy and adult education. Articles were subscribed by the editors of the newspaper Paraná-Norte and by Calheiros Bomfim, O.C.R., Eleontina Silva Cusch, Dr. Raimundo Estrêla, E. Monteiro and Mário Pinto Serva.

The category Others comprised 70 publications, between 1935 and 1949, dealing with school games, children´s bodybuilding, SENAC, the Agronomy School of Londrina, students´ general assembly in favor of Air force chief Eduardo, students who moved and had to study in other towns, mourning, holidays, oratory competition, contribution of private initiatives towards the administration, students´ clubs, critique against the government, conferences, students´ caravans, visits and admission exams.

These thematic groups reveal that education is a constant in the press and involves several issues that are not limited to school space. In fact, they have repercussions throughout the town. Each theme may be developed in analytic and interpretative terms although we have opted to limit our discussion in Londrina´s school institutions.

Londrina´s school institutions

Current research on Education in the newspaper Paraná-Norte places the school institutions in Londrina within three groupings: ethnic, private and government-run schools. They comprise the name of school, agents, practice and discourses published in the newspaper related to the political, economic and cultural dynamics of the town. According to Magalhães (2004), educational institutions involve broader framework of the situations present. As a response to the question on the school institutions of Londrina that the newspaper Paraná-Norte underscored between 1934 and 1953, we will limit ourselves to the categories Reports, Propaganda and Information and Teachers, previously described.

For the 1930s, the newspaper Paraná-Norte underscored 17 institutions, namely: Escola Alemã, Gymnasio Londrina, Grupo Escolar de Londrina, Collegio Mãe de Deus, Escola Brasileira de Bratislava, Gymnasio Norte Paranaense, Escola Remington, Escola de Dactylographia, Escola Rural in Warta, Escola Ruy Barbosa, Externato de Londrina, Colégio Vicente Palloti, Collegio Brasil and four Japanese schools. In the 1940s, the newspaper catalogued 29 institutions, or rather, Grupo Escolar Osvaldo Aranha, Escola Rural in Londrina, Ginásio Estadual, Grupo Escolar in Vila Casoni, Instituto Nossa Senhora do Carmo, Ginásio Católico, Escola Presidente Roosevelt in Vila Brasil, Escola in the District of Warta, Gymnasio Londrinense, Escola de Professores de Londrina, Ginásio Mãe de Deus, Escola Joaquim Pereira de Macedo, Escola do Comércio, Escola Técnica de Aviação, Escola Barão do Serro Azul, Escola Clotario Portugal, Escola Carlos Calvacanti, Escola Duque de Caxias, Escola Dario Veloso, Escola Emilio de Menezes, Escola Miguel Blasi, Escola Machado de Assis, Escola Osvaldo Cruz, Escola Carlos Gomes, Escola Afonso Pena, Escola Almirante Barroso, Escola Fernão Dias, Instituto Filadélfia and Escola de Corte e Costura Watanabe. Further, in the 1950s, a school called “Colégio Particular” was added. We may underscore the absence of several new school institutions in the early 1950s. It should be admitted that gaps exist in current research since several issues of the newspaper are not extant, particularly publication of the 1950-1953 issues. The above indicates that there may have been other institutions that were not listed.

Ethnic schools in Londrina, the initiative of immigrants from Europe and Asia, had been established before its emancipation on December 10, 1934. Immigrants arrived in Brazil and specifically in the state of Paraná for several motives. In the 19th century, there were several foreigners in the state. Cesar (1976) underscores that there were settlers´ colonies made up of Germans, Italians, Poles and Ukrainians for the extraction of yerba mate. In 1938, the CTNP undertook a survey with regard to the plots of land in the regions: 61.7% of the land were sold to Italians, Japanese, Germans, Spanish, Portuguese, Poles, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Yugoslavs, Romanians, British, Syrians, Argentines, Danes, Australians, North Americans, Norwegians, Hindus and Estonians. In the 1930s, the main motives for immigration comprised acquisition of fertile land for agriculture, especially for the plantation of coffee shrubs, which turned up to be the green gold asset of Londrina during the 1940.

More than 50% of land buyers were foreigners. Since they settled in Londrina seeking a better future, they required the infrastructure necessary for a good lifestyle, such as schooling opportunities. On March 28, 1937, the front page of the newspaper gave the following headlines: Report - Instruction, with the following institutions: one school each in the Heimtal, Warta and Bratislava districts and four Japanese schools. The schools were established within the settlers´ communities, mainly involving Japanese, Germans and Poles, even though several colonies had also Brazilian settlers.

Boni (2009, p. 40) underscores that “in July 1931, immigrants established the German School of Heimtal on land given by the CTNP”. The Colônia Heimtal, northern Londrina, was the home of the first German settlers who bought plots of land. The foundation of the German School of Heimtal aimed at preserving the German language and ethnic traditions for future generations. The school became the dynamic center of community life and its inauguration was celebrated by the settlers with great festivities (CAPELO, 2013).

Capelo (2013) narrates that the first teacher of the school was Herr Blumberg, who, at first, gave lessons in German. As from 1932, lessons were bilingual, including Portuguese. The author reports that the leaders of the settlement controlled the schooling dynamics: students who did not respect the teachers´ orders were punished whilst teachers´ frequency was monitored.

The School at Warta was founded between 1935 and 1936, the initiative of the local population. The premises were made of sawed wood and all the inhabitants participated in the task. The headlines of the newspaper Paraná-Norte mention the school in the issue of September 12, 1937, and presents the two headmistresses of Warta and Bratislava. Warta, a district in the northern region of Londrina, was mainly settled by Polish families, even though there were also Ukrainian, Russian and Czechoslovak families. From the ethnic point of view, Poles were a majority, but they spoke Portuguese since they had come from settlements in other Brazilian states (CAPELO, 2013). They were attracted to the place by CTNP´s propaganda and came to make a new start in the northern region of the state of Paraná.

The editors of the newspaper Paraná-Norte reported in the headlines, in 1937, that the mayor of Londrina, Willie Davids, hired a teacher for the school in Warta (Paraná-Norte, Londrina, p.1, September 12, 1937), triggered by the community (CAPELO, 2013). The teacher, Leonardo Staziak, started giving lessons in 1938 and insisted that pupils spoke Portuguese since it would help communication between students from other ethnic groups. The mother´s tongue would be spoken outside the school premises. “He insisted that, within the school environment, the language would be Portuguese; activities involved reading of texts in Portuguese, Drawing, History and Mathematics” (CAPELO, 2013, p. 179). As a contrast to Heimtal, there was a great effort in Warta to comply with Brazilian school contents and curriculum.

In 1936, the residents of Colônia Bratislava built a school for children. The settlement in the current municipality of Cambé, originally called Nova Dantzig, in the Londrina metropolitan area, was within a region where “some Brazilian and European families started a new settlement, or rather, there were some 40 families of Czechoslovak stock, 13 families from Portugal, 11 from Italy, 6 German families, 4 Hungarian families, 2 Spanish families and 6 Brazilian families” (CAPELO, 2013, p. 185).

According to Barion (2014), the Bratislava school did not merely teach elementary subject matters, but it also was used for religious purposes due to the absence of a chapel for the inhabitants. The link between Education and Religion was very close and, later on, the inhabitants built a chapel beside the school premises. In the case of Bratislava, the newspaper published material on the school inauguration (Paraná-Norte, September 12, 1937, front page) and mentioned that the mayor Willie Davis appointed a female teacher due to the lack of teachers to start educational work in the municipality.

The newspaper Paraná-Norte also published some conflicts with regard to the Bratislava school. A note was published on February 19, 1939, with the headlines Um estrangeiro recalcitrante - Professor Fóra de Lei. It dealt with the case of Bruno Comége, a foreigner, who used to give lessons in the school. He had been selected by a group of foreigners and was not appoint by the official secretary of Education. According to the newspaper, he should have been appointed by the Director of Education and by the Mayor of Londrina.

In another issue, an article titled Descortez e impatriótico - Prohibe a professora de passar em seus terrenos para ir à escola, the newspaper forwards the complaint of a female teacher at the Bratislava school who had been prohibited to pass through the fields of André Bigas on her way to give lessons. The newspaper wrote:

We do not know the reasons, if they exist, for such a prohibition. We are convinced that no motive exists to forbid the passage of a female teacher in her noble mission, or rather, to direct future adults through the pathways of literacy (Paraná-Norte, Londrina, p. 3, August 13, 1939).

The article petitions André Bigas to reconsider his decision and to ponder on the education of pupils and the progress of education. The note is a sort of press intervention in conflicts between people involved.

The Municipal Report on Japanese schools published in the newspaper Paraná-Norte of March 28, 1937, reveals the registration of four institutions in Londrina. The document fails to name the institutions and the place where they were built.

One may perceive that the newspaper Paraná-Norte informed on ethnic schools but the volume of news was small. One should also remember that during World War II, ethnic German, Japanese and Italian schools were not allowed to function in Brazil. The nationalization of schools in the state of Paraná was due to the nationalist movement and to favorable policies during the Vargas administration. The administration of the state of Paraná transformed ethnic schools into municipal or state schools (BARION, 2014). The nationalist policy was one of the reasons why the newspaper Paraná-Norte failed to give more information on schools built by foreigners. As mentioned above, many schools were placed under municipal jurisdiction, such as the Japanese school in Londrina in the 1940s (CAPELO, 2013).

As a contrast to ethnic schools, private school institutions were highlighted in the issues of the newspaper Paraná-Norte. We have identified more than 200 notes which, as a rule, advertised and commercialized their teaching products for the purpose of enrolment, broadcasted school rituals, such as participation in civil feasts, sports, elections of the Student Queen and others.

The newspaper Paraná-Norte published the inauguration of the Gymnasio Norte Paranaense, in 1937; the Colégio “Mãe de Deus” in 1938; the Escola Remington and the Externato Londrinense. In the 1940s, other inaugurations took place, such as the Ginásio Londrinense, in 1940, the Escola do Comércio de Londrina, in 1942, the Escola Técnica de Aviação, in 1944, the Instituto Nossa Senhora do Carmo and the Instituto Filadélfia, both in 1946, and two high schools Ginásio Mãe de Deus and Ginásio Católico, in 1948.

News on inaugurations was accompanied by the names of the head teachers, teachers, and students, coupled to academic and artistic presentations, sports and other events. We detected that the names of school agents mentioned in the newspaper were not those of all the people involved. They were names mentioned within a specific occasion, such as a meeting with the mayor, a festivity, admission exams and sport events.

The newspaper also advertised courses, subject matters taught in the schools and many extracurricular activities. A kindergarten and a primary school were advertised by the Colégio Mãe de Deus where there were also extracurricular courses such as piano and violin lessons, typewriting and drawing. The Colégio Particular underscored its primary school, admission to high school, teaching of English, typewriting and commercial correspondence. The Escola Remington gave typewriting lessons. The Ginásio Londrinense offered a primary school, featuring writing, reading, Portuguese, Arithmetic, Geography, History of Brazil, Moral and Civic Education, Drawing, Gymnastics and Military exercises. The Externato Londrinense administered a pre-High School course given by professional with capacities for their tasks. The Escola Watanabe offered primary teaching and a course on tailoring. The Escola do Comércio de Londrina gave courses for admission exams for the first year of high school and an auxiliary course in commerce, and typewriting.

The newspaper, therefore, practically listed all courses and modalities offered by each Institution through the advertisements for enrolment. The great number of advertisements indicated the commercial relationship between the newspaper and the school owners.

The newspaper Paraná-Norte also published notes on the participation of such institutes as Colégio Mãe de Deus, Seminário Vicente Pallotti, Escola do Comercio, Ginásio Londrinense and other schools, with regard to civic parades, pedagogical, artistic and money collection festivities to attend to needy people. They were occasions in which the population took part in ceremonies and in appreciating school tasks. In fact, it was a practice within the New State policies based on the Vargas administration´s nationalism. According to Bencostta (2005, p. 75), civil parades involved “a process to instill patriotic values in children´s minds which were supposed to guarantee the building of a civilized nation”.

Among the private institutions, the Colégio Mãe de Deus and the Ginásio Londrinense were the most advertised in the newspaper Paraná-Norte. The two schools are denominational, or rather, Catholic and Protestant, indicating disputes in the process of space occupation (Londrina) with regard to religion, education and urbanization.

Further, the newspaper Paraná-Norte brought forth complaints of the government-run schools in Londrina, catalogued under the heading Claims. On July 11, 1936, the newspaper published the inauguration of the first primary school (Grupo Escolar Hugo Simas) in the town. The number of public institutions grew in the 1940s, especially after the inauguration of the Primary School Ministro Osvaldo Aranha, in 1943, and Teachers´ Training College and the Ginásio Estadual de Londrina, in 1945.

Within the context of the great regional and local boom in coffee plantation, on February 28, 1948, the newspaper Paraná-Norte advertised the establishment of several schools. The School Presidente Roosevelt was inaugurated in Vila Brasil and three schools were established in the Gleba Três Bocas, namely, the Primary School Barão do Serro Azul, on the Estrada Patrimônio São Luiz, the Primary School Carlos Gomes, in the Fazenda Santa Helena of the Brothers Godoy, and the Primary School Machado de Assis, in Usina Nova. Four primary schools were established in the Gleba Cafezal, namely, the Primary School Carlos Cavalcanti, on the Estrada do Patrimônio Selva, the Primary School Emilio Menezes, on the Estrada Três Marcos, the Primary Schools Osvaldo Cruz and Fernão Dias, on the farm of Iziro Kenmoti, close to the Córrego Lorena. The Primary School Duque de Caxias was inaugurated in the Fazenda Palhano, whilst the primary School Dario Veloso was established in the Patrimônio Taquarúna. The Primary School Miguel Blasi was inaugurated in the district of Três Figueiras. Whereas the Primary School Clotário Portugal was inaugurated in the Gleba Jacutinga, close to the plantation of the Brothers Picinir, the Primary School Almirante Barroso was established in the Gleba Simon Frazer, on the farm of Noboru Tomyama, close to the Londrina-Ibiporã road. These schools reveal the growth of Londrina in terms of rural occupation, which received the school as an urban lifestyle.

The newspaper also listed the names of school agents of the Grupo Escolar Hugo Simas, the Grupo Escolar of Vila Higienópolis, the Grupo Escolar of Vila Casoni, Grupo Escolar of Vila Nova, the Grupo Escolar Olavo Bilac and the Ginásio Estadual de Londrina. The names of the teachers were mentioned on their appointments, with a predominance of male presence in school administration. This is the case of the Grupo Escolar Hugo Simas with headmasters Antenor Henrique Monteiro and João Beltzak Junior, respectively in 1937 and 1939.

Through reports and claims, the newspaper Paraná-Norte published the activities of the municipal and state administrations with regard to government-run schools of Londrina. Reports reveal statistics and data on the municipality of Londrina and how much the government spent on local education. Several issues praise the incumbent Manoel Ribas and reinforce the idea of investment and progress in Education (Paraná-Norte, Londrina, p. 1, March 28, 1937). On the other hand, the newspaper insists on the building of more schools for the people of Londrina and requires a larger school network and a greater number of teachers. Most claims were signed by the editors, especially Humberto P. Coutinho; others were signed by people from the local communities (Paraná-Norte. Londrina, p. 3, April 2, 1939).

Government-run schools were also involved in civil practices and rituals. To commemorate the New State, in 1938, the Grupo Escolar Hugo Simas had a civil commemoration, whilst the birthday of Getúlio Vargas (on April 19, 1942) and National Flag Day were commemorated. Student participation in national days was a means to instill the values of the Vargas Administration, such as Nationalism and Patriotism (BENCOSTTA, 2005). Values should be transmitted to students and the population alike.

During the 1943 Children´s Week, the Grupo Escolar Hugo Simas distributed sweets and gave information on children´s rights. During the same year, the students of the above-mentioned primary school participated in the Rubber Campaign. The nationwide Rubber Campaign, a political and migratory propaganda of the New State, aimed at collecting funds to cope with the precarious conditions of soldiers and workers in the Amazon region in the extraction of the prime matter that had to be exchanged for US war material within the context of war and national conscious-awareness. In 1939, the portraits of patrons of the school were inaugurated (Paraná-Norte. Londrina, p. 5, October 15, 1939). By the end of the scholastic year, graduation day was celebrated. The Grupo Escolar Osvaldo Aranha also held graduation day in 1943 and participated in the Rubber Campaign (Paraná-Norte, Londrina, p. 1, July 25, 1943).

In fact, the newspaper Paraná-Norte advertised school activities, such as festivities, commemorations, graduation days, campaigns and inaugurations by government-run schools. The Grupo Escolar Hugo Simas was highly underscored by the press. In fact, most events involved civil and nationalist commemorations within the context of Vargas´s New State.

Final considerations

The newspaper Paraná-Norte, published between 1934 and 1953, featured news on Education. It was initially linked to the CTNP and later to political, economic and cultural demands of Londrina within its urbanization process. The presence of education may be perceived in government reports, advertisements on the activities of private schools, festivities and commemorations, issues on hygiene and health, population´s complaints, the establishment and inauguration of public schools, careers of school agents, nationalist campaigns and issues on the teaching profession.

School education involved ethnic, private and public schools. The Catholic and Protestant private schools, in particular, had a large space within the newspaper, especially in the propaganda section, revealing a three-fold stance on education, teaching and the teaching business within the context of a town in the process of urbanization. Ethnic schools, with a smaller number of news, involved German, Polish and Japanese immigrants within their respective settlements. Government-run schools were represented by schools with high prestige in the community, particularly Grupo Escolar Hugo Simas and the Ginásio Estadual. Although the region was an important place for agriculture and plantations, the discourse on rural and isolated schools was rare and indicated a focus on a powerful and attractive city for those interested in buying plots of land commercialized by the CTNP, a relevant booster of the newspaper Paraná-Norte.

When the historical period and Brazilian conditions are taken into considerations, there is actually a set of historical reports on the participation of school agents in civil and patriotic parades. The urban schools of reference were first in the organization of festivities and commemoration of Independence Day, National Flag Day, the Birthday of President Getúlio Vargas, the Rubber Campaign, Bodybuilding Competition and others.

News on schooling and on education were simultaneously related to the expectations of the land projects and planning of the CTNP through an idea of a progressive, orderly, rich city, or rather, a new Promised Land and a new Eldorado. However, reports on issues involving daily life that the population had to cope with are not missing. They include lack of urban infrastructure, the need for more schools in the red-soil land marked by coffee culture between 1940 and 1950 and broadcasted by the newspaper Paraná-Norte.


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PARANÁ-NORTE. Criado o segundo Grupo Escolar de Londrina. 21/02/1943, Edição nº 463, Londrina/PR, p. 2. [ Links ]

PARANÁ-NORTE. A Campanha da Borracha empolgou a classe estudantina londrinense! A coleta atingiu 51/2 toneladas aproximadamente. 25/07/1943, Edição nº 458, Londrina/PR, Capa. [ Links ]

PARANÁ-NORTE. Escola Técnica de Aviação. 30/04/1944, Edição nº 496, Londrina/PR, Capa. [ Links ]

PARANÁ-NORTE. Sua página, Senhora. 20/08/1944, Edição nº 512, Londrina/PR, p. 4. [ Links ]

PARANÁ-NORTE. Escola de Professores em Londrina. 28/01/1945, Edição nº 555, Londrina/PR, Capa. [ Links ]

PARANÁ-NORTE. Londrina dotada de mais um estabelecimento de ensino. 10/02/1946, Edição nº 640, Londrina/PR, Capa. [ Links ]

PARANÁ-NORTE. Instituto Filadélfia de Londrina - Assembléia Geral Extraordinária - Aviso aos Sócios. 21/02/1946, Edição nº 642, Londrina/PR, p. 2. [ Links ]

PARANÁ-NORTE. Atos Oficiais - Prefeitura Municipal de Londrina Lei n. 8. 28/02/1948, Edição nº 839, Londrina/PR, p. 4. [ Links ]

PARANÁ-NORTE. Abertura das aulas do Ginásio Mãe de Deus - A cerimônia revestiu-se do maior brilhantismo. 02/03/1948, Edição nº 840, Londrina/PR, Capa. [ Links ]

1English version by Thomas Bonnici. E-mail:

2In 2016, the author made a bibliographical research, even though it is possible that other researches may have been published till the present (2018).

Received: February 28, 2019; Accepted: April 30, 2019

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