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vol.28Evaluación del aprendizaje en la escuela secundaria integrada: análisis de documentos y percepciones de los estudiantesDocumentos oficiales, investigación académica y prácticas Pedagógicas para la construcción de la transición entre Educación Infantil y Enseñanza Primaria índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Ensino em Re-Vista

versión On-line ISSN 1983-1730


SANTOS, Sonia Regina Mendes dos; MANESCHY, Patricia  y  MORAES, João Marcos de Oliveira. The Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (PIBID) and its participants: an analysis of formative experiences. Ensino em Re-Vista [online]. 2021, vol.28, e034.  Epub 29-Jun-2023. ISSN 1983-1730.

The research analyzes the comprehension of the graduates of PIBID - Institutional Program of Teaching Initiation Scholarship- in two aspects: the formative process in higher Education Institutions and the experience in schools having as theoretical reference: Tardif (2002), Xavier (2014), Nóvoa (2009, 2017). The study is supported by the Bottom Up model of public policies’ analysis, identifying what was planned and carried out in the implementation (HILL, 2006, MOREIRA, 2016) through a semi-structured questionnaire answered by 28 students. The experiences regarding the initiation to teaching within the school environment help understand the accomplished activities, providing opportunities for collaborative practices among teachers and students. The program also has repercussions in higher education institutions, providing opportunities to rethink the curriculum and the quality of education. As a result of PIBID, the teaching professionalization process as well as the enlargement of the critical view on education in a current context are both positive effects to be highlighted.

Palabras clave : Teacher training; Teaching knowledge; Initiation to Teaching.

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