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Ensino em Re-Vista

versión On-line ISSN 1983-1730

Ensino em Re-Vista vol.29  Uberlândia  2022  Epub 08-Jun-2023 


Continuing teacher training and (dis)articulations with the basic education school1

Elisangela André da Silva Costa2

Maria do Socorro Lopes da Silva3

Eisenhower Souza Costa4

2PhD in Education from Universidade Federal do Ceará. Professor at Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira. Redenção - Ceará - Brasil. E-mail:

3PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Education at Education at Universidade Estadual do Ceará. Teacher in the municipal public school system of Acarape. Acarape - Ceará - Brasil. E-mail:

4Master's student in the Graduate Program in Education at Universidade Estadual do Ceará. Teacher in the state public school system of Ceará. Horizonte - Ceará - Brasil. E-mail:


The present study takes as its research objective the continuing education of teachers. It starts from the problematization of the current context, in which teaching and training processes are increasingly crossed by neoliberal principles, which imprint on educational policies the logic of productivity, performativity and competitiveness. Methodologically based on the qualitative approach, the investigation used a narrative interview as a strategy to approach reality, carried out with a teacher who works in elementary and high school classes in the city of Horizonte-Ceará. It was established as a general objective to reflect on the articulations that are established between continuing education and the challenges experienced by teachers in the exercise of their profession in the context of basic education. The results showed that even crossed by the tensions and contradictions present in contemporary society, continuing education can be established as a space for dialogue and appreciation of teaching and public school.

KEYWORDS: Continuous formation; Teachers; School


O presente estudo toma como objetivo de investigação a formação contínua de professores. Parte da problematização do atual contexto, em que a docência e os processos formativos são cada vez mais atravessados por princípios neoliberais, que imprimem nas políticas educacionais a lógica da produtividade, performatividade e competitividade. Metodologicamente pautada na abordagem qualitativa, a investigação utilizou como estratégia de aproximação coma realidade uma entrevista narrativa, realizada junto a um professor que atua em turmas de ensino fundamental e médio no município de Horizonte-Ceará. Foi estabelecido como objetivo geral refletir sobre as articulações que se estabelecem entre a formação contínua e os desafios vividos pelos professores no exercício de sua profissão no contexto da educação básica. Os resultados apontaram que mesmo atravessada pelas tensões e contradições presentes na sociedade contemporânea, a formação contínua pode se estabelecer como espaço de diálogo e de valorização da docência e da escola pública.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Formação contínua; Professores; Escola


El presente estudio tiene como objetivo de investigación la formación continua del profesorado. Se parte de la problematización del contexto actual, en el que los procesos de enseñanza y formación están cada vez más atravesados ​​por principios neoliberales, que imprimen en las políticas educativas la lógica de la productividad, la performatividad y la competitividad. Con base metodológica en el enfoque cualitativo, la investigación utilizó una entrevista narrativa como estrategia de acercamiento a la realidad, realizada con un docente que trabaja en clases de primaria y secundaria en la ciudad de Horizonte-Ceará. Se estableció como objetivo general reflexionar sobre las articulaciones que se establecen entre la educación continua y los desafíos que vive el docente en el ejercicio de su profesión en el contexto de la educación básica. Los resultados mostraron que incluso atravesada por las tensiones y contradicciones presentes en la sociedad contemporánea, la educación continua puede establecerse como un espacio de diálogo y apreciación de la enseñanza y la escuela pública.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Formación contínua; Maestros; Colegio


The contemporary social scenario is marked by intense and rapid transformations in the most diverse domains like the economy, politics, ethics, and everyday life (LIBÂNEO, 2011). The neoliberal logic cuts across all spheres and intensely affects the subjects' identity construction, demanding from them professional qualifications that meet the capitalist demands. This logic also reaches the educational context, understood as a strategic field to maintain this type of society project.

Schools are formal educational institutions, so they play the role of articulating different issues induced by public policies and the training processes directed at the population, which have principles and values established hegemonically by governments.

Therefore, in recent decades, we have experienced the intensification of different conjunctions between the capitalist society project and the educational training developed by schools, through curricula, evaluation, and teacher training policies. Thus, we observed the expansion of a business management logic that, based on terms such as efficiency and effectiveness, establishes hierarchical relationships in the educational system's corpus (SILVA, 2001), compelling the collectives to shape their work to embody a neotechnicist logic. This logic is based on content technique reproduction designed by groups of specialists, aiming at the rapid and low-resource achievement of goals established by institutions that manage and control the pedagogical work carried out in schools.

The teachers are one of the main agents in the articulation of this set of references, which makes the teacher training process, in addition to their work, prone to disputes. In these dispute fields between the perspective of emptying pedagogical practices, centered on the technical dimension, which strives for the subjects' conformation to the current model of society; and the emancipatory perspective that recognizes the complexity of the educational act, highlighting the political dimension present in it as a form of resistance and overcoming social relations that are oppressing and dehumanizing (COSTA; 2018). In this way, the teachers find themselves stressed on the one hand by the logic and demands of policy outcomes and on the other hand by the ethical and political commitment to human and critical education.

We understand that even in the face of that common reality, each context is marked by specific issues that make it unique and by its unique ways of responding to the challenges present in it. Thus, we ask: how does the teachers' continued education relate to the challenges experienced in their practices as teachers? To answer this question, we devised the present study which has as its general objective to reflect on how the continued training and the challenges faced by teachers in the exercise of their profession in the context of basic education relate to each other. Even though we do not intend to generalize the results obtained, we understand that they can shine a light on different and important aspects and contribute to the debates around the theme.

Methodologically, we opted for a qualitative approach (MINAYO, 2013), defining as the locus of investigation the city of Horizonte - Ceará and as a subject a mathematics teacher who works in the final years in a public elementary school and the final years in a public high school.

We used the narrative interview as a strategy to approach reality, from the perspective presented by Jovchelovich and Bauer (2014), which aims to deepen specific questions related to the central theme of the study, without losing sight of the subject's existence and the contexts marks in which their life, education, and profession are located.

We analyzed the data with the contribution of authors such as Diniz Pereira (2014), Franco (2016), Alarcão (2011), among others, and they indicate that continued education can overcome the productivist neoliberal logic and establish itself as a space for critical reading of reality, dialogue and appreciation of teaching the teaching profession and public schools even if is pierced by the tensions and contradictions present in contemporary society.

The public school and the challenges of the current context

Before talking about teachers' continued education, we need to highlight elements related to the context for which and in which teachers are trained.

The 1990s are a historical landmark in which the changes that took place in the social, political, economic, and cultural contexts in different countries became more evident as a result of two intersecting factors:

  • a) globalization sustained by the myth of the shrinking distances, by the accelerated development of technologies that promote the instantaneous diffusion of information, with time and space contracted, placed at the service of capital, which is based on the “economization and monetization of social and personal life” (SANTOS, 2000, p. 9);

  • b) neoliberalism, as a capitalist social arrangement, whose logic has made notions such as “[...] equality and social justice recede in the space of political discussion and give way, redefined, to the notions of productivity, efficiency, 'quality', placed as a condition of access to a supposed modernity” (SILVA, 2001, p.14).

The globalization phenomena and neoliberalism are present in our lives and pointedly affect the individual and collective construction of our identities. The different institutions are transfixed by principles and values that affect the economic, political, ethical, and quotidian spheres (LIBÂNEO, 2011). Those reaching the subjects in the form of training necessities, related to knowledge, skills, and attitudes are considered necessary for inclusion in the “labor market” to which efforts to adapt individuals should converge.

This scenario pushed the school to reconfigure itself through educational policies, aligning itself with the hegemonically prevailing society project, assimilating work perspectives based on a strictly business and managerial logic.

For Krawczyk (2018), the Brazilian educational reform in the 1990s instituted a new organization and management model, which in the 21st century arrived even more deep and vivid in the perspective of the fetish related to the binomial modernity-democratization. In this context, consultancies, foundations and institutes linked to business became references to shape educational policies in terms of curriculum, assessment, and teacher training, among others, inspired by other countries' experiences, especially the United States.

For Silva (2001), it's necessary to broadly understand the neoliberal logic present in the movement to reconfigure educational policies. To the author:

The construction of politics as manipulation of affection and feeling; the transformation of the space for political discussion into strategies for advertisement persuasion; the celebration of the supposed efficiency and productivity of the private sector as opposed to the inefficiency and waste of public services; the redefinition of citizenship in which the political agent becomes an economic agent and the citizen into a consumer, are all important central elements of the global neoliberal project. The redefinition of education in terms of the market is inserted in this global project [...]. (SILVA, 2001, p. 15).

The elements presented lead us to the necessary reflection on the political and pedagogical commitments of the public school with democratic principles, the appreciation of diversity, humanization and emancipation as indicated by the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 (BRASIL, 1988), and the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education nº 9394 (BRASIL, 1996). Over the years, these legal guidelines have been threatened by the productivist logic and are, therefore, excluding, and ingrained in neoliberal thinking. This movement has yielded significant setbacks in terms of the broad conception of education as “[...] the right of all and the duty of the State and the family [...] aiming at the full development of the person, their preparation for the exercise of citizenship and their qualifications for the labor market (BRASIL, 1988, Art. 205).

The perspective of curricular policies, aligned with the external evaluation process implemented over the last two decades, has been treating the conception of the curriculum in a reductionist way. The curriculum is seen as a bureaucratic artifact whose central function is the alignment and control of the pedagogical work developed by teachers to the reference matrices that constitute the evaluation instruments systematically applied by the Education Departments and by the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anisio Teixeira (INEP) in large-scale tests.

The dynamics established by educational policies for the organization of the school's pedagogical work is a problem to be addressed in during the teachers' continued training. It would then be like an invitation to a critical reading of the challenges posed in the context of professional practice that, gradually, negatively affect the autonomy of educational institutions and the educators who work in them.

If we understand the curriculum from the praxis perspective, as suggested by Sacristán (2000), we will verify the need to compose a different logic from that induced by government agencies that manage public education. The work perspective in a curriculum that is made of an inseparable relationship between theory and practice, must be reflexive so it can lead to the perception of the formative horizons established by the school and in them the disputes that relate to the models of society and subjects. The question about who are the real beneficiaries of the school can guide action strategies towards resistance and non-conformity of subjects to neoliberal power projects, articulated to collective actions to transform reality.

The school as a space for continued teacher training

In the previous section, we discussed the disputes that are established in the social, political, economic, and educational fields, based on disputed society projects, seeking to situate the context of tensions and contradictions in which the teachers are formed and work.

When discussing continued education, we must also approach the theme from its various meanings, indicating the different foundations and commitments that support it, as well as the different types of training to which these lead educators. In this way, three training paradigms are references that can elucidate our discussion:

  • a) The paradigm of technical rationality, with a separation between theory and practice and the reduction of educational issues to “'technical' problems to be objectively solved through science's rational procedures” (DINIZ-PEREIRA, 2014, p.35);

  • b) The paradigm of practical rationality places the teacher as a central element in the development of professionalism. This is based either on the knowledge built-in professional practice, through the analysis of teacher's experiences, or through research about the practice itself that allows facing the uncertainties and challenges present in the classroom (DINIZ-PEREIRA, 2014);

  • c) The paradigm of critical rationality that, in a dialectical perspective, socially, historically, and politically situates the education and the professional exercise of teaching, putting on the agenda the commitments that are established between society and training projects and their impacts on the lives of individuals and the collectivity. It may develop a socio-reconstructionist bias, aimed at promoting equality and social justice; emancipatory or transgressive, with political mobilization; and ecological-critical that through action and research articulates formation, intervention, and transformation of reality (DINIZ-PEREIRA, 2014).

When we think about how each of these paradigms views teachers, we have: in technical rationality, seeing the teacher as a content consumer, produced by specialists; in practical rationality, the teacher as a reflective professional and a researcher of their praxis; and in critical rationality, an intellectual politically engaged with emancipatory, humanizing, and inclusive demands.

Currently, the training proposals offered to teachers are ambiguous. Due to the contradictions in the professional field, which can be expressed through clashes between the discourse of inclusion and the perspective of merit; the appeal to innovation and the defense of tradition; theory deviated from practice and practice deviated from theory; total quality and socially endorsed quality; teacher professionalization and deprofessionalization. Such ambiguity emerges from the ever growing distance between the legal requirements that make education a right and the structure of contemporary educational policies that reduce education to a consumer good.

Franco (2016, p. 519) helps us to better understand this issue by recounting what teachers experience today concerning their training processes:

[...] considering that the teachers are feeling weakened by the sharpness of the contradictions of the Brazilian school; with the complexity of the social relations established there and with the theoretical-practical inability to act in the situation, this space-time of reflection allows a new perspective of the experiential situation. The ready-made texts they receive to serve as class guides, within the perspective of apostille teaching, lead them to work with the ready script and give up the possibility of creating didactic-pedagogical means and ways to deal with the situation.

Based on the above, the author points out the need for a dialogic posture between the subjects who lead the training processes and the subjects who are being trained. Thus, changing the logic that sustains the relationship between them, leaving a prescriptive perspective that subordinates to a critical perspective that problematizes reality and recognizes educators as bearers and producers of knowledge. It's through this change that the formation processes can become significant for the subjects and the institutions.

In the same direction, we find the contributions of Lima (2001), who presents a concept of continued training capable of collaborating with the unveiling of the determinants that cross the daily life of the school of teaching work and with decision-making. The author points out that “[...] continued training is the articulation between teaching work, knowledge and professional development of the teacher, as a possibility of reflective posture dynamized by praxis” (LIMA, 2001, p. 29).

The categories “teaching work”, “professional development” and “praxis” presented by the author, indicate a critical, emancipatory, and political position that trainers need to have regarding training proposals. Consequently, the challenges experienced by the work collective constitute the main references from which the definition of training guidelines arises. From them, the junction of theory and practice in the perspective of praxis, accompanies the problematization of reality, of broad understanding of the problems through the study of diverse themes, the construction of alternatives for actions, and the establishment of collective agreements with the materialization of the proposals.

Based on concrete experiences developed in the school context, Alarcão (2011) recognizes this institution as a locus of teacher training and invites us to understand how the concepts of reflective teachers and the reflective school can collaborate with empowerment and with the humanization of subjects. According to her:

The reflective school is not remotely controlled from the outside. It's self-managed. It has its own project, built with the collaboration of its members. This school knows what it wants to achieve and it's constantly evaluating itself. It's contextualized in the community it serves and interacts with it. It believes in its teachers, whose capacity for thought and action are always encouraged. It involves students in building an increasingly better school. It doesn't forget the contribution of parents and the whole community. This school onsiders itself as an institution in constant development and is open to learn. It is continuously thinking and evaluating. Building self-knowledge (ALARCÃO, 2011, p.40).

The challenges recently faced by humanity due to the covid-19 epidemic have led educational institutions around the planet to reorganize their ways of mediating the students' training processes. The search for alternatives by workgroups showed us the need to develop the school's ability to think about itself and the challenges that are specific to its context.

To Nóvoa (2020, p. 9):

[...] the best responses to the pandemic didn't come from governments or ministries of education, but rather from teachers who, working together, were able to maintain a connection with their students to support them. In many cases, it helped families to understand the difficulty and complexity of teachers' work. This can cause an appreciation for the teaching work and create the conditions for greater social recognition of the profession.

The reflection brought by the author invites us to evaluate the relevance of the criticisms about the training models based on pre-made bundles composed of generic formulas elaborated by specialists. Since the finished works are not able to dialogue with the needs and particularities of educational institutions and school communities, as well as help them to overcome the challenges they face. It also invites us to undertake efforts to materialize training proposals that pursue meaning and significance in the understanding of education as a situated social practice (PIMENTA, 2011); of the school as a reflective institution (ALARCÃO, 2011), and of teachers as subjects and intellectuals capable of producing relevant knowledge about their profession (FREIRE, 1996; FRANCO, 2016).

In the next section, we will present the analysis of narratives produced by a teacher who works in two different public school systems, based on his experiences of continued education aimed at elementary and high school.

And now the teacher

Brief methodological considerations

Studies carried out by different scholars, such as those mentioned in the previous sections of this study, state the importance of listening to teachers about the different challenges they face. The content present in the teachers' narratives can show important aspects related to training, life, and work, expanding the outreach of theories already produced and collaborating with the systematization of knowledge capable of fostering new training practices.

Thus, we use a qualitative research approach, which aims to access the set of experiences from which conceptions, opinions, and representations related to the investigated topic are generated (MINAYO, 2013).

We used the narrative interview as an investigative strategy, aiming to encourage the subject to share with us his experiences with the processes of continued education offered by state and municipal schools, as a phenomenon immersed by the social and historical context in which his existence is inserted.

Considering the guidelines set by Jovchelovich and Bauer (2002), we interfered as little as possible in the interview process, providing the subject only with a general topic, a central topic, which triggered the production of narratives and stimulated him to continue reflecting on his experiences.

We also emphasize that we followed the norms for the development of research in Human and Social Sciences, expressed in Resolution No. 510/2016 (BRASIL, 2016), which guarantees anonymity to the subject and informs him about the possible risks and benefits of his participation in the research, the formalization of acceptance to his participation in the investigation came through the signing of the Free and Informed Consent Form.

The subject will be known only as Euclid, in allusion to the mathematician born in Alexandria, author of the work Elements, comprised of 13 volumes, recognized by scholars as one of the most important works on mathematics ever published.

Starting at the beginning: the career starting point and its challenges

When invited to share his formative experiences, relating them to personal and professional experiences throughout his life, Euclides brought to light elements articulated to the professional qualification process that allowed him to jump from the lay teacher at the beginning of his career to getting a degree in mathematics:

My journey in education as a teacher began when I was in my last year in high school at the age of 17, in the municipal school system in my hometown. I always enjoyed attending classes. It was usual for me, and in the last years of high school, I assembled the reports and presented them in the classroom. After being invited, I started teaching classes at a school near my house to 8th graders, the students were very humble. The act of teaching those young people was an important milestone for me. The class of 15 students was very receptive to new knowledge, easy to get along with, and always willing to participate and learn. When I started teaching, I didn't fully understand how the teaching and learning process happened. The full understanding of the act of teaching came with time and with the constant training throughout the teaching process, as well as through personal initiative to overcome the difficulties faced in the classroom. After graduating from college, I believed I was amply prepared to teach in any elementary or high school. This belief was very far from the day-to-day reality of pedagogical practice as the difficulties were many, such as the absence of teaching materials, such as markers and whiteboards, most often damaged by the action of time and the students themselves. In addition, textbooks in insufficient quantity did not meet the needs of all students.

Euclides' career started in the 1990s which reveals a common feature in Brazil: lay teachers working in public schools. This issue became a point of discussion and also entered the agenda of educational policies that emerged from the international commitments established as a result of the signature, by the Brazilian government, of the world declaration of education for all, in the context of the World Conference with the same name, held in Jomtien in 1990; and the publication of the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education nº 9394 (BRASIL, 1996), from which the decade of education was established, with commitments related to the democratization of access to school and the valorization of education workers.

We emphasize that the formative perspective present in Euclid's speech gives us the idea of readiness, the belief that the theoretical teachings received in the degree course would be sufficient, which, when transposed into teaching techniques, could be applied in the most different spaces and be successful in the teaching-learning process. Such an understanding is in line with the technical rationality that historically upstaged the others in Brazil and is perceived by the subject himself, at the present moment, as insufficient to deal with the challenges that emerge from the practice and that become more complex from the contact with subjects and contexts (DINIZ-PEREIRA, 2014).

Euclides highlights the precarious working conditions and also the insufficiency of teaching materials in the classroom he taught. Such challenges weren't addressed by the training process, which demanded from the interviewee the solitary search for alternatives so that he could meet the expectations of the educational community. The attitude and concern of the teacher with the students as subjects and with the fulfillment of the school's social function highlight the ethical, political, and pedagogical dimensions present in the teaching work, little or not tackled during his initial formative process (FREIRE, 1996).

Continued training and the logic of external evaluations

Continuing the narrative about the ongoing training processes experienced, Euclides talks about aligning training actions developed by schools to the logic of external evaluations:

[...] The training from the 6th to the 9th grades of elementary school carried out throughout the year provides all teachers with moments of interaction and enrichment of their pedagogical practice. In addition, the contents are aligned with external evaluations carried out at the end of each school year. Currently, as a teacher working in the school system in the city of Horizonte, I have participated in various moments of study and deepening in the teaching profession. These moments of resignification of the teaching practice consist of periods of studies promoted by the Municipal Department of Education of Horizonte (SMEH) with all the mathematics teachers. In addition to this collaboration, the moments are also used to plan actions that will be developed by all teachers with a focus on the Sistema Permanente de Avaliação da Educação Básica do Ceará (SPAECE) and the Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Básica (Prova Brasil). Such activities are created from diagnostic evaluations always applied at the beginning of each school year and repeated during the teaching-learning process. With this information obtained by the evaluation instruments, teachers plan their classes, adapting the content of the textbook and workbooks to each teaching reality present in their classroom.

As can be seen, Euclides' narrative highlights the logic of structuring the continued education for teachers who work in the municipal school system: the submission of the school curriculum to the reference matrices which are used to organize the external evaluations.

This posture is an unfolding of Brazilian educational policies, based on the neoliberal perspective of organizing the work developed by schools using the total quality management, which seeks to enhance results and productivity in the education systems. As a matter of fact, this type of organization aligns schools with the market perspective, distancing them from the commitments and concerns with the training processes of the subjects in their entirety and replacing that with the overvaluation of products, expressed through quantitative indicators (SILVA, 2001). This is a perverse logic that causes dehumanization of the school space, managers, educators, and students.

There is still room for dialogue and emancipation

Contradiction is an inherent characteristic of educational processes, considering that from the start the commitments that education establishes with the society in which it is inserted, fulfilling the role of reproduction and transformation, both of knowledge and of relationships that are established between the subjects. This question is touched upon by Euclid when he declares:

The training organized by the SMEH also aims to direct activities and promote knowledge with a focus on the students’ competitions held throughout the school year, especially the Olimpíada Brasileira de Matemática das Escolas Públicas (OBMEP). In recent years, this work has shown its first results [...]. The growth in the numbers of honorable mention students and also students who won medals in the recent years reveals the results of a work done with responsibility. However, there is still an arduous and gigantic task in the works if we want exponential increase in achievements. In addition, several medal-winning students are invited by major educational institutions in Ceará to continue their studies there. And this causes major changes in these students' lives. Most of them come from rural schools in Horizonte, and they gain the unique opportunity to study in institutions with better physical and teaching circumstances, providing an even greater growth in their knowledge. Another important factor in the training process is the interaction with colleagues in the same area, favoring the exchange of experiences and didactic knowledge, something that promotes the development of student learning, as it enriches the practice of teachers.

In the excerpt from Euclides' narrative, we found that even with the conjunction of the training processes and the logic of competitivity and performativity, based on technical rationality, teachers manage open these spaces for dialogues about the constant challenges they face in basic education in schools and the joys of collaborating with the inclusion of students in other training spaces, through the knowledge built by these subjects that allow the achievement of good results in the competitions in which they participate. The movement carried out by the teachers points to a shift from the formative basis to practical rationality, based on the reflection and action as individuals (DINIZ-PEREIRA, 2014).

The interviewee talks about the expansion of the subjects' understanding of the relationships established between them during the training processes. Thus, indicating the possibility of interaction present in this space as a way of clarifying the political and democratic commitments that are announced in the pedagogical projects of public schools (FREIRE, 1996), and that need to be strengthened, to expand the inclusive processes that can transform the reality of students.

Continued training and dialogue with the school during a pandemic

Euclides reflections on the continued education process during the covid-19 pandemic indicate the movement reported by Nóvoa (2020), when he highlights the protagonism of the educators as a collective, in the search to accommodate students and develop teaching strategies appropriate to the emergency remote model.

The experience reported in the narrative excerpt reinforces the emancipatory potential that is established with the articulation between the training processes and teaching practice, based on the challenges experienced in/by the school.

Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the concern observed in the education systems, both municipal and state, has turned to bringing the student closer to schools, as classes were carried out online. Actions and strategies were developed, such as the active search in communities to understand students' realities and to develop means to guarantee students' access to the new methodological configurations of learning through differentiated educational tools, synchronously and asynchronously. Thus, starting from the diagnosis of the reality from the active search, we organized a task division among the teachers collaboratively throughout the public system. The expectation with sharing the responsibilities was to facilitate teaching. In this sense, the classes were divided by all the teachers who were responsible for recording, editing, and uploading video classes to youtube; preparing handouts with questions worked on in class; elaborating electronic forms and spreadsheets shared with students to receive the students' homework. Another important aspect of this period was the teachers' preoccupation to diversify their activities to reach the largest possible number of students. Thus, the activities developed were shared in WhatsApp groups, emails, and teaching platforms to facilitate the teaching-learning process, in addition to printing activities for students who didn't have the means to connect to the internet. The training left aside the excessive concern with the results and started to consider the daily challenges experienced by teachers and students, valuing the dialogue and the collective construction of action strategies to be developed in the school.

Euclides narrative shows an important change in teachers' continued training, which departs from the performativity and total quality and turns to guarantee the permanence of students in the school context, configured as a constituent element of the tripod of democratization of access population to school, which are: access, permanence, and success.

Some of the elements present in the reality expressed by the interviewee that are aligned with the perspective of critical training rationality are: reading the context, understanding education as a social practice crossed by different determinants, and the relationship between theory and practice in the perspective of praxis, the recognition of students as subjects with rights, appreciation of the collective work developed at school and the pedagogical project articulation between the political and pedagogical dimensions (DINIZ-PEREIRA, 2014). In it, teachers are recognized as holders and producers of knowledge (FREIRE, 2016), as subjects able to read reality critically and face, collectively and collaboratively, the existing challenges (FRANCO, 2016; ALARCÃO, 2011).

In times of Pandemic, so marked by the deepening of social inequalities and the necropolitics, teachers and schools announce possibilities of hope in the Freirean perspective (FREIRE, 1987) and of moving on to overcoming the limited situations that stop our ability of Being-More, through the construction of unseen possibilities.

Final considerations

Throughout the present study, we reflect on the articulations established between continued education and the challenges faced by teachers in their profession in the context of basic education.

Initially, we talk about training and teaching in the contemporary society. Thus, we analyze the complex relations between globalization and neoliberalism and its reflexes in the subjects' identity construction, in the formative demands that seek to adjust subjects to the job market and to the hegemonically prevailing model of society where principles such as performativity, productivity, and competitiveness. These elements reach education through educational policies that have, over the last decades, assimilated neoliberal values, aligning curriculum, evaluation, and teacher training to the incessant search for results.

The critical reading of reality allows us to visualize, in the contexts of teacher training and professional practice, clashes between different perspectives. These can be systematized into three distinct models of rationality - technique, practice, and criticism - which are based on different conceptions of teachers and different relationships of these subjects with knowledge about their profession.

In the current context, contact with the life trajectory, training, and profession of public schools teachers reveals the prevalence of technical rationality. This can be translated into meetings focused on the debate about the reference matrices of external evaluations and the control of teaching work through the recurrent application mock tests and diagnoses that produce quantitative reports of proficiency, indicating how to achieve the goals established for the educational institutions.

The narratives observed in the interview in the present research reveal the experience of a reductionist perspective of continued education throughout the subject's trajectory. But they also indicate displacement and resignification of the relationships established between the collective of teachers; the knowledge, reflections, and challenges they bring; the characteristics of the contexts where they develop their work. Interestingly, the pandemic period and the lack of technical references to deal with emergency remote teaching allowed subjects to exercise protagonism in their professions.

Thus, we understand that, like contemporary society, the continued education processes have tensions and contradictions and can be politically committed to emancipatory education, overcome the productivist neoliberal logic and collaborate with processes of valuing teaching and public school through the recognition of teachers as intellectuals.


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1English version by Marina Lima Pompeu. E-mail:

Received: August 01, 2021; Accepted: March 01, 2022

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