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vol.21 número2Modernidade, infância e linguagem em Walter BenjaminA (in)determinância do capital cultural e do background no desempenho dos bolsistas Prouni: das notas além do esperado às hipóteses de resultados improváveis índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação

versión impresa ISSN 0103-1457versión On-line ISSN 2178-4612


SILVA, Alex Sander da; AZEREDO, Jéferson Luís de  y  BITTENCOURT, Ricardo Luiz de. Thought on adorno’s constellation as critical reflection possibility of practice formation in educational contexts. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2016, vol.21, n.2, pp.275-287. ISSN 2178-4612.

This article aims to present reflections on the thought constellation proposed by Adorno to discuss the training practices set in motion in educational settings. Therefore, we make use of the literature to think critically about the formation of the subjects in educational settings. Inspired by Adorno‘s thoughts, we refer to the concept of constellation and subsequently the categories of emancipation and self-reflection. There is still in this work, reflection on the domination of nature, which developed in the field too human about yourself, so that the triumph would be to overcome the myth, the enchanted world, became tragedy. This is the ‘rememorização’ of domination. This domination reaches the hidden spaces of subjectivity, enslaving the subject, subjecting it to the whims of formalized reason, calculating and confirming the logic of the capitalist economic rigging. Constellation, aligns strongly with these issues especially in the critical characterization of capitalist society and the very difficulty of transformation of society. So these elements, sought to annotate a diagnosis of progressive capitalist totalization and the seizure of society as socialization produced under certain conditions. In a only amalgam problematizations constructed in this paper contribute to a better understanding of the multiplicity of issues surrounding the complexity of the educational field and the subjects constituted. They indicate the need to understand that concepts are intertwined, beyond the linearity and the search for a point of arrival. In this sense, it is essential resize the teacher training processes, enhancing the prospects of training and promoting self-reflection experiences of reason itself.

Palabras clave : Constellation; Emancipation; Self-Reflection.

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